subject because it was unpopular

SUBMITTED BY: miner.root003

DATE: Oct. 16, 2017, 11:56 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 595 Bytes

HITS: 14685

  1. of that fleshly arm of ecclesiastical countenance and support, on
  2. which I had been accustomed to lean.
  3. I cannot say, my brother, that I felt anything like cordiality in
  4. seeing you; but I now bless God, and give you thanks for the call,
  5. and praise the name of the Lord, that I was so far emancipated
  6. from the power of the beast, as not to be afraid to examine a
  8. After you left me, I examined the books which you gave me, and
  9. felt my former convictions respecting the truth and importance of
  10. the subject reviving. I looked into the words of Moses, and

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