How to send funds from with no fees.


DATE: Sept. 29, 2013, 5:06 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 904 Bytes

HITS: 870

  1. How to send funds from to a Bitcoin Wallet with no fee, in 10 easy steps.
  2. 1. Login to your account.
  3. 2. Join
  4. 3. Login to your Peerbet account
  5. 4. Press the Deposit button and press the 'Make Instant Deposit' button.
  6. 5. Enter the amount you want to withdraw and enter your pin
  7. 6. Press the make payment button
  8. 7. Press the withdraw button on Peerbet, and enter the amount that you would like to send (Has to be over 0.0001 BTC)
  9. 8. Enter the Bitcoin Address you would like to send it to
  10. 9. Make sure that the 'Send Withdrawal right now' button is unchecked, or it will apply the same fee as
  11. 10. Press the Withdraw button and wait.
  12. The Bitcoins will be sent with no fee through your Peerbet account, but will take a bit of time to come through to the BTC wallet.
  13. Donate: 1PNmymEXA8mGZfdsWAWmicJPTXEf5KAzTG
  14. Enjoy!

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