the ultimate enemy!

SUBMITTED BY: pinnacleseth

DATE: Sept. 17, 2017, 1:11 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 440

  1. So all that money spent on a foreign education and she can't spell dining. Well, I guess it doesn't matter since she will never have to work a day in her life.
  2. At least you have food and dinner to have. Look how many Nigerians don't know where their next meal will be coming from. Look how many civil servants have not been paid for months on end. Even with the enemy you will still end up with a belly full. Go gripe to someone who has not seen food for weeks and cry on their shoulder about the pain of your dinners, or a woman who is breastfeeding a baby on a hungry stomach and there is no milk coming out of her breast for the baby to have. You think you've seen enemy. Poverty is the ultimate enemy, but you my dear will never know the shackles of it. Go greet your enemies with joy, and thank God hunger no know your name.

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