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==================================================[ Hacked By chiheb 6500
[+] Hacked By <font color="#ff0000">C H I H E B</font> "6500" <br>
[+] <font color="#00FF40">Contact Me</font><font color="#00ff40"> :</font>
<div width="600" id="contentToWrite" style="display: none;" text-decoration="" overline="" class="tip"><br>
[+] Message : <br>
Hi stupid !!!!!<br>
This site has been hacked by chiheb 6500 'Tunisia' <br>
DON'T worry ... you are not alone in this server ... <br>
and we have been just changed your index ... <br>
Remember hacking is more than just a crime. It's a survival train <br>
...Don't think that hacking is wrong....there is no right and wrong ... There's only
fun and boring <br>
for free palestine <br>
al last ... <br>
we will be back soon <br>
.................................chiheb 6500...............................
[+] Message : <br>
Hi stupid !!!!!<br>
This site has been hacked by chiheb 6500 'Tunisia' <br>
DON'T worry ... you are not alone in this server ... <br>
viva palestine... <br>
Remember hacking is more than just a crime. It's a survival train <br>
...Don't think that hacking is wrong....there is no right and wrong ... There's only
fun an<br>
[+] Message : <br>
Hi stupid !!!!!<br>
This site has been hacked by chiheb 6500 'Tunisia' <br>
DON'T worry ... you are not alone in this server ... <br>
and we have been just changed your index ... <br>
Remember hacking is more than just a crime. It's a survival train <br>
...Don't think that hacking is wrong....there is no right and wrong ... The<span id="blink" style="display: inline; "></span></div>
<p class="style1"><span style="height: 50px;"><a false="" bgcolor="#000000"> <span class="style1">
<script type="text/javascript">
</script><span class="style2"> <!--start this code bye mojtaba472 = gr4yvv01f -->
<p> </p>
<font face="Courier New"> <font size="2">Greetz:Terrorist :) <font color="#FF0000">
<object style="height: 1px; width: 1px;" align="left" width="1" height="1"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/CHIHEB
6500=3&autoplay=1&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always">
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