#NadorKiss Tweetstorm - 11/20


DATE: Nov. 26, 2013, 3:08 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 751

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  8. #NADORKISS TWEETSTORM : Wednesday 11/20/13 Times 4pm PST/ 7pm EST and 7pm PST/ 10pm EST
  9. Greetings citizens of the world, this is Anonymous --
  10. As you may be aware, two Moroccan teenagers were arrested in the Moroccan town of Nador on the 3rd of October for violating public decency after posting a photo of themselves exchanging a kiss outside their school on Facebook. A third teen was held for merely taking the photo.
  11. This Friday the Moroccan government intends to try the teens from Nador. We call upon all who object to this gross injustice to speak out and demand the prosecution of the teens for a simple kiss be stopped.
  12. Please show your support by participating in the #NadorKiss Tweetstorm.
  13. If you are unfamiliar with this incident and #Anonymous response here is information with included links --> http://pastebin.com/66dv3Gec and http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=jZ4yaXNE <includes data dump!
  14. ##################### TWEETSTORM ###################
  15. The goal of this Tweetstorm is two-fold. We wish to raise awareness of this injustice as well as target the Moroccan government Twitter account @ChefGov_ma to stop the prosecution of the Nador teens.
  16. Here is what we are asking:
  17. 1) We ask that you include the following tweet as you participate in this Tweetstorm:
  18. @ChefGov_ma The governnment has the power to stop the prosecution of the #Nador teens. Please do so. A kiss is not obscene. #NadorKiss
  19. 2) We ask that you use the following tweets or ones of your own design to raise awareness and bring global attention to this gross injustice.
  20. By all of using this one tweet we stand in solidarity and send a clear message to the Moroccan government - we do not approve. We also spam the hell out of them :)
  21. Time to be heard! Make no mistake about it YOU can make a difference. Morocco reversed its pardon of a pedophile based upon social media pressure so let do it again.
  22. ########## Tweets #############
  23. A kiss obscene? #Morocco says so
  24. Read> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=jZ4yaXNE
  25. Watch> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZFOkoVQ4
  26. Act> http://pastebin.com/66dv3Gec
  27. #NadorKiss
  28. #Morocco says a kiss is obscene. I disagree and want the prosecuton of the teens to be stopped. #NadorKiss cc: @ChefGov_ma
  29. They said that the kiss spreads indecency in a socially conservative and Muslin country. A kiss is a symbol of love, not indecency #NadorKiss
  30. @Lahcenhaddad Are vistors to #Morocco prosecuted for kissing like the teens? http://www.france24.com/en/20131005-morocco-police-arrests-teens-facebook-kiss-picture #NadorKiss
  31. Justice in #Morocco: Pedophile pardoned http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/03/us-morocco-spain-protest-idUSBRE97204R20130803 Kissers jailed http://freearabs.com/index.php/politics/69-stories/762-jb-span-anonymous-jb-span-the-kiss-of-death #NadorKiss #FreeBoussa #Anonymous
  32. Does a simple kiss really impose a threat to the National order and social harmony to the extent of arresting the kids involved? #NadorKiss
  33. One of the boys involved tells his story of the kiss and the negative impact the arrest has caused him. www.moroccoworldnews.com/2013/10/10076/hero-of-nadors-controversial-facebook-kiss-tells-his-story/ #NadorKiss
  34. Public outrage got #Morocco to reverse it's stance before --> http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/teenage-couples-kiss-shakes-morocco-by-internet-effect-triggers-calls-for-kiss-ins-.aspx?pageID=238&nID=56142&NewsCatID=357 … … Speak out now for these teens. #NadorKiss #FreeBoussa
  35. The Morcoccan government intends to try 3 teens for a simple kiss and #Anonymous intends to avenge this injustice. Pls join us as @Nadorkiss #NadorKiss
  36. "We intend to humiliate the Moroccan government.." "We intend to expose the Moroccan government,.." http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=jZ4yaXNE #NadorKiss #EpectUs
  37. The teens are being prosecuted for "Gross Indecency". Why is a kiss worse than the human trafficking that occurs in #Morocco?
  38. #NadorKiss
  39. #Morocco kisses freedom goodbye and violates it's own Constitution --> http://freearabs.com/index.php/society/85-video-gallery/730-jb-span-morocco-jb-span-kissing-freedom-goodbye … #NadorKiss #Anonymous
  40. Please RT and spread the word about this grave injustice and strike at freedom of expression http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=jZ4yaXNE #Nadorkiss #Anonymous
  41. MESSAGE TO MOROCCAN GOVERNMENT: #ANONYMOUS ==> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=jZ4yaXNE #NadorKiss
  42. #Anonymous responds to #NadorKiss--> http://freearabs.com/index.php/politics/69-stories/762-jb-span-anonymous-jb-span-the-kiss-of-death and http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=jZ4yaXNE
  43. The Moroccan writer, Moulin El Aroussi posted a kiss with his wife to FB. There was criticism, but there were no charges. #NadorKiss
  44. In a time when wars take lives daily #Morocco prosecutes teens for a KISS If such an injustice is ignored what else will you ignore?
  45. The arrest of the teenagers was a grave violation of their right of expression. #Anonymous intends to protect these rights.#NadorKiss
  46. Morocco does not adequately punish sex traffickers & lacks a comprehensive trafficking law, but a KISS will have you arrested and potentially jail time? #NadorKiss
  47. Morocco is a source, destination, and transit country for forced labor and sex trafficking.
  48. But a teen kiss is immoral? #NadorKiss
  49. Contact Morocco government and share your thoughts about the jailing of teens for a KISS! ==> https://www.maroc.ma/en/node/806 #NadorKiss #FreeBoussa
  50. US Citizens contact the US Embassy, #Morocco and voice your concerns. Tel (212) 537-66-81-91 and/or Fax (212) 537-66-82-84 #NadorKiss
  51. "..there is no imaginable reason why expression of this type ought to result in prosecution." http://www.amnesty.org/en/news/morocco-facebook-kiss-2013-10-08 #Anonymous #NadorKiss
  52. #Anonymous strikes back! Demands justice of 3 teens arrested for a KISS. http://www.dailydot.com/lifestyle/anonymous-moroccan-teens-kissing-arrested-hack/ #NadorKiss
  53. Facts tell us that sexual tourism in Morocco is really ‘booming'.
  54. #NadorKiss #Anonymous #FreeBoussa
  55. Tourists in search of sexuality and human bodies have shifted their interest to Morocco as a preferred destination. #NadorKiss #Anonymous
  56. Morocco, many assume, is internationally ranked 2nd after Thailand as far as sexual tourism is concerned. #NadorKiss #Anonymous #FreeBoussa
  57. Moroccan authorities encourage such kind of sexual tourism by tolerating the illegal sexual services of many luxurious hotels #NadorKiss
  58. One outlet asserts that in Casablanca alone there is about five thousands furnished houses and villas providing sexual services.#NadorKiss
  59. In Martil, a district is reserved for the sexual tourism industry with 200 furnished homes available. #NadorKiss #Anonymous #FreeBoussa
  60. Sex Tourism in Morocco is officially covered up so as not to spoil the country’s reputation.
  61. #NadorKiss #Anonymous #FreeBoussa
  62. Girls and boys working as domestic servants and street vendors are increasingly vulnerable to child sex tourism.#NadorKiss #Anonymous
  63. Marrakech is well known of its abuse of children within the prostitution industry and attracts child sex tourists each year #NadorKiss
  64. The lack of a national action plan to protect children from violence are major causes of prostitution and child sex tourism.
  65. #NadorKiss
  66. We Are Anonymous
  67. We Are Legion
  68. We Do Not Forgive
  69. We Do Not Forget
  70. Expect Us.
  71. **kisses**

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