Ncert solutions for class 7 social science civics chapter 3


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  1. Ncert solutions for class 7 social science civics chapter 3
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  3. Do you think this is an important issue? Sometimes, no party gains clear majority. This ensured that women too got equal say in power.
  4. Why is the Prime Minister in India not directly elected by the people? Social Science helps us understand the working of our social world.
  5. The government also regulates the functioning of private schools. No minister can do anything in one day. Gandhiji was of the view that if a person was poor or illiterate, it did not mean that the person was not wise enough to elect a government. Visit a police station and find out the work that the police have to do to prevent crime and maintain law and order in their area especially during festivals, public meetings etc. Who among the following is a part of the political executive? Social Science helps us understand the working of our social world. A personal rule without institutions is dangerous. If this choice was given to you, which one would you choose and why? What issue is the poem trying to raise? Two ways in which this Article addresses inequality are as follows: i It suggests states not to discriminate against any citizen on grounds such as religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth etc. Answer: The suffrage movement was related to ensuring equal voting rights for all.
  6. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Civics Chapter 3 - The government has to provide free education and integrate children with disabilities into mainstream schools.
  7. St Page No: 93 Exercises 1. If you are elected as the President of India which of the following decision can you take on your own. Who among the following is a part of the political executive. Which of the following statements about the judiciary is false. Which of the following institutions can make changes to an existing law of the country. Match the ministry with the news that the ministry may have released: a A new policy is being made to increase the jute exports from the country. Answer a A new policy is being made to increase the jute exports from the country. Of all the institutions that we have studied in this chapter, name the one that exercises the powers on each of the following matters. Answer a Lok Sabha The Finance Ministry b The Parliament c The Supreme Court d The Executive Also check: 7. Why is the Prime Minister in India not directly elected by the people. Choose the most appropriate answer and give reasons for your choice. Answer In a Parliamentary democracy only the leader of the majority party in the Lok Sabha can become the Prime Minister. This is to ensure that the Prime Minister secures a majority support. Three friends went ncert solutions for class 7 social science civics chapter 3 watch a film that showed the hero becoming Chief Minister for a day and making big changes in the state. Imran said this is what the country needs. Rizwan said this kind of a personal rule without institutions is dangerous. Shankar said all this is a fantasy. No minister can do anything in one day. What would be your reaction to such a film. Answer This film is unrealstic. He have to follow procedures and guides written in constitution. A personal rule without institutions is dangerous. A teacher was making preparations for a mock parliament. She called two students to act as leaders of two political parties. She gave them an option: Each one could choose to have a majority either in the mock Lok Sabha or in the mock Rajya Sabha. If this choice was given to you, which one would you choose and why. Answer I would choose to have a majority in the Lok Sabha as it is more powerful than the Rajya Sabha. Lok Sabha members are directly elected by the people. The leader of political party which is in majority in Lok Sabha will be appointed as prime minister which is most powerful person in the country. After reading the example of the reservation order, three students had different reactions about the role of the judiciary. Which view, according to you, is a correct reading of the role of judiciary. The Supreme Court did direct the government to modify it. The court struck a good balance between those who supported and those who opposed the order. Answer The view that Anjaiah had is corect according to my view.

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