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DATE: Oct. 16, 2013, 10:24 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 16.7 kB

HITS: 1443

  1. <html>
  2. <head>
  3. <script language="JavaScript">alert(" For you :') ");</script>
  4. </head>
  5. <body>
  6. <!------------------------------------------------------->
  8. <!------------------------------------------------------->
  10. <style>
  11. .textstyle {
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  27. <script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById("adBarafdWzMP").style.height=document.getElementById("adTextafdWzMP").offsetHeight+'px';</script><, Indonesia><title>FOR YOU ZIRA</title><link href=""rel="shortcut icon" type="image"><body dir="ltr" alink="#00ff00" background="" bgcolor="#000000" link="#00c000" text="#008000" vlink="#00c000"><style type="text/css">body, a, a:hover {cursor: url(, progress;}</style></head>
  28. <body><br><div style="display:scroll; position:fixed; top:50px; right:-6px;">
  29. <script>
  30. // CREDITS:
  31. // Carousel Slideshow with transparency and zoom effect
  32. // By Peter Gehrig
  33. // Copyright (c) 2013 Aquarius And Bang Zendy. All rights reserved.
  34. // Permission given to use the script provided that this notice remains as is.
  35. // Additional scripts can be found at
  36. // IMPORTANT:
  37. // If you add this script to a script-library or script-archive
  38. // you have to add a highly visible link to
  39. // on the webpage
  40. // where this script will be featured
  41. var rotatingimage=new Array()
  42. var rotatingtext=new Array()
  43. var rotatinglink=new Array()
  44. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  46. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  47. // Set the path and name (or URL) of your images. Add as many images as you like
  48. // Take care that the images have a decent resolution as they are used for the zoom-images as well
  49. rotatingimage[0]=""
  50. rotatingimage[1]=""
  51. rotatingimage[2]=""
  52. rotatingimage[3]=""
  53. // Set the the comments corresponding to the images above (requires the same amount as images!)
  54. rotatingtext[0]="I MISS YOU"
  55. rotatingtext[1]="I LOVE YOU"
  56. rotatingtext[2]="I MISS YOU"
  57. rotatingtext[3]="I LOVE YOU"
  58. rotatingtext[4]="I MISS YOU"
  59. // Set the the comments corresoponding to the images above (requires the same amount as images!)
  60. // Set "#" if no link is required
  61. rotatinglink[0]=""
  62. rotatinglink[1]=""
  63. rotatinglink[2]=""
  64. rotatinglink[3]=""
  65. rotatinglink[4]=""
  66. rotatinglink[5]=""
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  68. rotatinglink[7]=""
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  70. // Set the width of the circle (pixels)
  71. var circlewidth=330
  72. // Set the height of the circle (pixels)
  73. var circleheight=240
  74. // Set the width of your small rotating images (pixels)
  75. var imgwidth=130
  76. // Set the height of your small rotating images (pixels)
  77. var imgheight=40
  78. // Set the height of your textbox (pixels). This is the textbox (comment) below the rotating images
  79. var textboxheight=17
  80. // Set the path and name (or URL) of your backgroundimage
  81. // Write "var bgimg=false" if you don't want to add a backgroundimage
  82. var bgimg=""
  83. // Set the number of words that will be displayed at once
  84. var displaymax=6
  85. // Set the speed! Tha values may range from 0.1 to 1.0
  86. var step=0.02;
  87. // Set the zoomfactor for the big picture that appears on mouseover
  88. var zoomfactor=2;
  89. // padding to the margin
  90. var imgpadding=10
  91. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  93. // Do not edit below this line
  94. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  95. var maxopacity=new Array()
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  97. var segment=360/(displaymax);
  98. var decrement=0;
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  100. var tmr
  101. var opacitystep=Math.round(100/circleinnerheight)
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  103. var twidth
  104. var theight
  105. var windowwidth
  106. var windowheight
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  117. preloadedimages[i].src=rotatingimage[i]
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  132. thisspan.zIndex=parseInt(
  133. op=parseInt(100/circleinnerheight*(parseInt(*0.5))
  134. document.getElementById('span'+i).innerHTML="<a href='"+rotatinglink[i_imgcounter]+"'><img border=0 width="+imgwidth+" src='"+rotatingimage[i_imgcounter]+"' id='im"+i_imgcounter+"' onMouseover='stoprotating(this)' onMouseout='restartrotating()'></a><br>"+rotatingtext[i_imgcounter]
  135. document.getElementById('span'+i).style.visibility="visible"
  136. maxopacity[i]=-1
  137. i_imgcounter++
  138. if (i_imgcounter>=rotatingimage.length) {
  139. i_imgcounter=0
  140. }
  141. }
  142. rotatetext()
  143. }
  144. function rotatetext() {
  145. for (i=0; i<displaymax; i++) {
  146. var thisspan=eval("document.getElementById('span"+i+"').style")
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  149. thisspan.zIndex=parseInt(
  150. op=parseInt((100/circleinnerheight*(parseInt(*0.5))-imgpadding)
  151. if (op<5 && maxopacity[i]==1) {
  152. if (i_imgcounter>=rotatingimage.length) {
  153. i_imgcounter=0
  154. }
  155. document.getElementById('span'+i).innerHTML="<a href='"+rotatinglink[i_imgcounter]+"'><img border=0 width="+imgwidth+" src='"+rotatingimage[i_imgcounter]+"' id='im"+i_imgcounter+"' onMouseover='stoprotating(this)' onMouseout='restartrotating()'></a><br>"+rotatingtext[i_imgcounter]
  156. document.getElementById('span'+i).style.visibility="visible"
  157. maxopacity[i]=-1
  158. i_imgcounter++
  159. }
  160. if (op>90) {
  161. maxopacity[i]=1
  162. }
  163. if (ie) {
  164. var thisfilter=eval("document.getElementById('span"+i+"')")
  165. thisfilter.filters.alpha.opacity=op
  166. }
  167. else {
  168. var thisfilter=eval("document.getElementById('span"+i+"').style")
  169. thisspan.opacity=op/100
  170. }
  171. }
  172. decrement-=step;
  173. tmr=setTimeout('rotatetext()', 50);
  174. }
  175. function stoprotating(thisobj) {
  176. clearTimeout(tmr)
  177. zoomobj=thisobj
  178. document.getElementById(*imgwidth)+"px"
  179. document.getElementById(*imgwidth)+"px"
  181. if (ie) {
  182. zoomobj.parentNode.parentNode.filters.alpha.opacity=100
  183. }
  184. else {
  186. }
  187. }
  188. function restartrotating() {
  189. document.getElementById("px"
  190. document.getElementById("px"
  191. rotatetext()
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  201. i_imgcounter=0
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  240. TypingText.runAll = function() {
  241. for(var i = 0; i < TypingText.all.length; i++) TypingText.all[i].run();
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  304. <body style='-moz-user-select: true; cursor: crosshair;'><body bgcolor="#413839" link="#150517" active="#150517" visited="#150517" text="#E238EC" onkeydown='return false;' oncontextmenu='return false;' onmousedown='return false;'>
  305. <center><table>
  306. <pre id="sualmukuna_cugh">
  307. <font color="#FFFFFF"><h1> I LOVE YOU ZIRA</h1>
  308. <i>
  309. Terkesima di dalam batinku saat ku tau aku suka denganmu <img src="" border="0" >
  310. Tapi saat ku temukan indah, semua itu hanyalah harapan semu
  311. Kau tertawa renyah dan bahagia berpaling dariku dengan kekasihmu yg dulu
  312. Aku melihat, membisu, membeku
  313. Saat itu aku menyadari bahwa yang ku rasa bukanlah bahagia tapi berbeda
  314. Berbeda itu ku suka kamu, tapi kau hancurkan semua itu
  315. Cemburu itu biasa, tapi denganmu itu luar biasa
  316. Diam-diam aku suka sama kamu,karena ku tau dirimu yg punya cinta bukanlah untukku
  317. Aku tau kebahagiaanmu seharusnya adalah ceriaku
  318. Ntah mengapa ceria itu terganti
  319. Terganti dengan sesuatu yang kurasa itu cemburu atau iri hati <img src="" border="0" >
  320. Biarkanlah aku sudahi semua ini
  321. Perasaanku, ingatanku tentangmu akan ku ikat dan ku kembalikan lagi
  322. padamu dan semua tentang kita ..
  323. Karena bagiku cinta ini sebuah kesalahan
  324. Dan kesalahan itu hanya milik aku seorang ....<img src="" border="0" >
  325. <u>By : Marcell </u>
  326. </font></i>
  327. </pre>
  328. <script type="text/javascript">
  329. //Define first typing example:
  330. new TypingText(document.getElementById("sualmukuna_cugh"));
  331. //Type out examples:
  332. TypingText.runAll();
  333. </script>
  334. </td></tr></table>
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  337. <img border="0" src="" /></a></div>
  338. <script type="text/javascript" src=''/></script>
  339. <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ahmad-rifai-
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