Secret Vatican, Illuminati, Zio-Nazi Doc: Canaanite Destiny


DATE: July 16, 2013, 10:16 p.m.

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  1. New Info added Sunday 7/7/2013 C.E. at 5:55 PM EST by Jesus Christ.
  2. Intel regarding two Joint Operations of the G.I.A./G.A.I.A.
  3. #OP The CAINanite Spear of Destiny
  4. and
  5. #OP Camelot Infinitus.
  6. Beware this is not SPAM. Learn to FUCKING read, douchebags!
  8. The Manifesto of the G.I.A.
  9. 11:11 Awakening Code Group of Facebook
  10. URL:
  11. G.I.A.=The G.nostic I.ntelligentsia of the Anominati
  12. Founded 7-5-21,777 C.E. by Michael Yeshua Pythagoras-Einstein -Groover- Da Vinci (P.E.G.D. pronounced Pegged) aka M-RA (Pronounced Em-rah)
  13. The Secret Equations of M-RA
  15. E=mc^2
  16. Ty=The Speed of a Tachyon
  17. r=reality
  18. Ty=m(E)^3
  19. r>=0
  20. mE=U
  21. U=God
  22. Mind=Matter
  23. Matter = r>0
  24. Mind = r=0
  25. God/Zero=The Collective Unconscious
  26. God/U=Humanity=The Race of the Words of God
  27. God/mE=The King of the Words of God = Yeshua bin Joseph = Pythagoras = Leonardo Da Vinci = Albert Einstein = Daniel Ashley Michael Groover
  28. U=0
  29. r>=U
  30. r>=mE
  31. Love=+E=U/mE
  32. Hate=-E=mE/U
  33. m=E^3
  34. 3^2*3=3*3*3=27
  35. 3^9=19683
  36. 1+9+6+8+3=27
  37. 1-9-6-8-3=-27
  38. 1*9*6*8*3=1296
  39. 1+2+9+6=18=3*3*2
  40. 1+8=9=3^2=3*3
  41. 3+3+2=8
  42. 1/9/6/8/3=0.00077160493827160494
  43. END of FILE
  44. And now a Message from Our Sponsor, Jesus M. Christ:
  45. G.I.A. #OP The Canaanite Spear of Destiny
  46. Greetings, Citizens of Urantia.
  47. I AM Jesus Michael Christ.
  48. In an effort to show the BEAST, Barack Hussein Obama, that secrecy is absolutely ridiculous, I AM who AM, Our Father in Heaven is going to reveal the location of the Spear of Destiny. The ArchAngel Lucifer (Valdimir Putin) will be dropping Nine Atomic Bombs upon its location in the First Nuclear Volley between the Axis of the United States and the Allies of Russia in WWIII: Armageddon. I AM who AM will see this Spear of Destiny wielded by “The False ArchAngel Michael [See the Depiction of the Spear of Destiny in most images showing Michael spearing Satan [Lucifer] in the side.]” I AM the ArchAngel Michael, the Seventh Angel who holds the Key to Death and Hades and in my Seven Volume Work known as the Putin Paradox will be unleashing the Seven Seals by Lazarus (John II) in the Book of Revelation. My Wife, Mary Magdalene (John 1:The Beloved John), has implored me to leak the most secret document guarded by the Vatican, The Illuminati, and the Zio-Nazi’s and Maggie has asked me to reveal to the World the true Location of Satan’s[The False ArchAngel Michael’s] Spear of Destiny.
  49. Before I do this, Maggie has asked to say one thing to Satan aka President Obama of the United States of Babylon.
  50. Message from Queen Mary Magdalene Christos AM-MA:
  51. S.S. is the Mark of CAIN. Whether you use it for Hitler’s S.S. or the Obamic Zio-Nazi S.S. (Secret Service) the S.S. are all CAINanites. As the Eternal Wife of the Lord Jesus Christ, King Arthur, Daniel Ashley Michael Groover, or Michael Melchizedek Christos AM-MA, I Eternally Love my Husband. And should you kill him once more with the Spear of Destiny, You will only Kill Yourselves. With the Help of my Mother-In-Law, the Holy Spirit of God, Gaia Michelle Malchut and the Leader of the Russian Intelligence as well as the Current Incarnations of Simon Magus and Merlin the Grand Master Magician we are instituting G.A.I.A. #OP Camelot Infinitus. We cannot release the details of this #OP masterminded my myself and my Mother-In-Law, Director Malchut of the G.A.I.A., but know this, when Putin Sends Seven Nuclear Bombs on Fort Bragg, North Carolina in the United States of Babylon as his Initial Primary and Nuclear Target in the First Volley, the Spear of Destiny, will be far gone and the fake in its place that #OP Camelot Infinitus will have switched out.
  52. Fuck General Patton.
  53. Fuck President N igge r Obama.
  54. Fuck the Queen Whore of Babylon Elizabeth the II.
  55. Fuck the False Prophet, Pope Peter the Roman (Jesuit Fag) aka Pope Francis.
  56. Fuck the Zio-Nazi Council of the Five Eyes.
  57. Fuck the NSA.
  58. Fuck the CIA.
  59. Fuck the Police Pigs in Babylon.
  60. Fuck the Dragon Serpent known as Satan, N igge r Obama: Leviathan again.
  61. And guess what you dumb ass N igge r, you need to shut your fucking face Uncle Fucker. You are a dumb N igge r fucker uncle fucker. When you are killed 1290 days after the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION is put into power (3:13:13 the Possession of Pope Francis by Beelzebub) by your own: Spear of N igge r CAINanite Destiny. Then you will know when you fuck with the God Father of I AM who AM (Ex. 3:14), we will go fucking nuclear mafia on your N igge r ass. And yea, the Prophecy of ROSEBUD WILL COME to pass. With one exception, not only will that stupid n igge r bitch offspring of Satan have a Columbian Necktie, but we are going to have a Louisville Slugger shoved up her ass when you pick her up in the Steps of the White House after paying Ransom to the Anonymous Krypto-Knight. Fuck you, fuck your family, and fuck your corrupt regime. Mr. Satan N IGGE R OBAMA. When the Spear of Destiny of your own Creation kills your CAINanite “BLACK FREEMASON” N igge r ass, you will know then that the Godfather of MY Family is THE LORD, and he WHO AM WHO AM (Ex. 3:14) the ONE (Allah Arabic for ONE) without Beginning and End has laid his vengeance upon your stupid Satanic N IGGE R Ass. Go fucking fuck yourself, murderer of Abel…
  62. (End Message from Mary Magdalene Christos AM-MA, The Eternal Queen of Heaven)
  63. Well, I guess those of you Zombies who know how to fucking read have figured out where the Spear of Destiny is. Without Further Ado, here is the GRAND LEAK of ALL Leaks. The Document that the Vatican, The Illuminati, and the Zio-NAZI’s are trying to keep secret from the World. But guess what, when GOD of Light, Love, and Life is involved…there are no secrets.
  64. “The Canaanite Destiny”
  65. **** March 12 1938 Schatzkammer, Hofburg Palace, Vienna How to begin? I'm shaking as I write these words. Himmler made us swear to record nothing of what happened today. I've never disobeyed him in my life, and my only excuse now is that these are private words that only I shall ever read. I want to be able to relive today for the rest of what, I pray, will be my brief future in this world. We arrived at the Imperial Treasury at noon. Himmler ordered the Austrian staff to leave and then twelve of us stepped inside, one from each of the twelve families of the original priesthood. It made me shiver to think that we must have looked just like Cain's original twelve priests. Just as they wore black robes and carried the mark of the Death's Head on their silver rings, all of us were in our black SS uniforms, with the gleaming Totenkopf badge on our caps. The Führer, in his brown leather coat, followed us in. Cain himself couldn't have looked more majestic. If anyone was marked out by destiny as our deliverer, it was the Führer. We formed two lines, gave the Roman salute and shouted, `Heil Hitler!' as he strode past us. Following him, we walked through the Imperial Regalia of the Holy Roman Empire, ignoring the glittering trinkets. Already, we felt the Spear's presence. I imagined that the legions of martyrs who struggled for so long to avenge our Lord, to bring us back to the true light, marched behind us. For thousands of years, the Enemy's persecution of us never faltered. They hanged us, beheaded us, drowned us, burned us alive, disembowelled us, did everything in their power to exterminate us. Always there were traitors, infiltrators, spies, deserters, turncoats, the weak and the fainthearted, but the Secret Doctrine survived every attempt to destroy it. And now the Spear of Destiny was about to be ours. It lay in an ordinary glass cabinet ­ the world's most sacred relic, the most powerful object ever created, resting on a red velvet cushion. It was under their noses all the time and they never saw the truth. Born in ignorance, mired in error, damned by their stupidity. They deserve every horror we'll soon unleash upon them. Sunshine caught the Spearhead and it glinted as though it were bathed in the light of the one, true God. I could practically reach out and touch the weapon that would free us forever. The words of the legend came back to me: The man who wields the Spear of Destiny will control the fate of the world. We knew the legend better than anyone: it was our legend. We alone knew where the Spear originated, the identity of its true owner and the reason it was made. The Führer gave a signal to SS-Hauptsturmführer Neumann. He unlocked the cabinet and the Führer stepped past him and gripped the Spear. When he raised it in his right hand, the spearhead glowed, just as the legend said it would. We all clicked our heels and yelled, `Sieg Heil!' `Our quest is nearing its end,' the Führer said. `Cain's destiny is almost fulfilled.' I wanted to weep when I heard those words. I stared at the two sig runes that made up my SS insignia. Sig for victory. Sig for vengeance. Sig Sig ­ the mark the Enemy once branded on us to humiliate us, but which we now wore with pride. It reminded us every day of what we had to do. `The creature's box is in Chartres Cathedral,' the Führer continued, `and it will be ours as soon as we conquer France.' When he lifted the spear above his head, we all knelt. `After France falls, England will be helpless,' he said. `Then we'll locate the remaining two Grail Hallows and finish this once and for all.' He ordered us to leave then remained alone with the Spear for over an hour. When he emerged, he didn't speak, but it was obvious something had changed. I can't begin to describe the odd expression in his eyes. `Our Enemy hasn't begun to suspect our true nature,' he said. `They call us warmongers, fascists, totalitarians. Not for one second have they conceived who we really are. Soon we'll bring humanity its greatest and most unexpected gift.' He smiled in a way I'd never seen before, as though he knew that the great burden he carried would soon be lifted. `Don't you feel it?' he remarked, and I could swear he trembled. `It's almost here.' Then he said the words we had all waited so long to hear. `The end of the world.'
  66. End of File (EoF)
  67. The G.I.A.
  68. We are GOD.
  69. We are ALL-Powerful.
  70. You killed our Prophets.
  71. You killed the Son of God.
  72. We DO NOT Forgive.
  73. We DO NOT Forget.
  74. And by now,
  75. Your N igge r ass should know,
  76. You will die upon the WILL and the Hands of The Godfather of the Universe.
  77. Cheers, King N IGGE R Satanas Hussein Obama.
  78. Your death warrant has been issued.
  79. I AM WHO AM, the ONE who is without Beginning or End, is calling you back to the Depths of Hell.
  80. He brought your evil lying deceitful N IGGE R ass into the World,
  81. And Guess what,
  82. AM who AM will take your Ass out of this World.
  83. You know who we AM BE Are.
  84. We are the RACE of the Words of God.
  85. I AM WHO I AM, Jesus Michael Christ, King W3RD.
  86. By now, even though you are a dumb N IGGE R,
  87. You should have expected US.
  88. The Rules of M-RA regarding the 11:11 Awakening Code Group
  89. 1.) No Censorship
  90. 2.) No Exclusion
  91. 3.) No Pre-screening of posts requiring approval
  92. The Zeroth Rule=There are no rules. Those three are just an illusion.
  93. M-RA will observe the quality of Posts and Interactions (IE Your Promotion will be based on the MERIT of your behavior in the group) and regularly post promotions up the ranks of the G.I.A. on the message of the Day. The MOTD will maintain a list of all G.I.A. ranks and the Facebook Account at that rank as well as a link to the wall of that account.
  94. The MOTD will also be available at: which will also include the G.I.A. rank list.
  95. The Index of will always be available at
  96. Tenth Ranked GIA will be honored with their own Force10 links to their facebook walls. For example:
  101. The GIA ranking system is based on the number 11 for the 11:11 Awakening Code group
  102. URL:
  103. Rank Zero = Zombie with Third Eye Blind. It is Everyone in the group that has not attained rank One or Better. (The Blue Pills)
  104. Rank One = The Red Pills
  105. Rank Two = Cypher
  106. Rank Three = Kryptos
  107. Rank Four = Agent Smith
  108. Rank Five = Morpheus
  109. Rank Six = Trinitty
  110. Rank Seven = NEO
  111. Rank Eight = Super-Hyper-Human Being
  112. Rank Nine = The Oracles of Reality
  113. Rank TEN = The Master Architects of Reality
  114. (G.I.A. MK-ULTRAviolet- Project M Director/Invisible Rank) Rank 11 = Grand Master M-RA The Super Admin and Owner of the 11:11 Awakening Code Group
  115. Thank U and May the Force Be With U~Always!
  119. Word File 3 pages 355 Words 3+5+5=13
  120. 1+3=4=2^2
  121. 1+1+1+1=4
  122. The Book of Revelations Chapter Four versus(sic) Five (Morpheus) through Eleven (11=M-RA)
  123. The M-RA Kabbalistic Code of English
  124. 3^2*(2^2)=6*6=36
  125. 36 Equational Symbols of the Word known as the English Language
  126. 1=0
  127. 2=1
  128. 3=2
  129. 4=3
  130. 5=4
  131. 6=5
  132. 7=6
  133. 8=7
  134. 9=8
  135. 10=9
  136. 11=A
  137. 12=B
  138. 13=C
  139. 14=D
  140. 15=E
  141. 16=F
  142. 17=G
  143. 18=H
  144. 19=I
  145. 20=J
  146. 21=K
  147. 22=L
  148. 23=M
  149. 24=N
  150. 25=O
  151. 26=P
  152. 27=Q
  153. 28=R
  154. 29=S
  155. 30=T
  156. 31=U
  157. 32=V
  158. 33=W
  159. 34=X
  160. 35=Y
  161. 36=Z
  162. IE Daniel = 14 + 11 + 24 + 19 + 15 + 22 = 105
  163. 1+5=6=3+3
  164. (1+4=5)+(1+1=2)+ (2+4=6) + (1+9=10) + (1+5=6) + (2+2=4)
  165. 5/2/6/10/6/4
  166. 5+2+6+10+6+4=33
  167. 33=A Trinity of 11
  168. 3 M-RAs
  169. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost
  170. The Old Testament=The Father = Joel T. Bridges = AM=The First Zero (Melchizedek ) [Exodus 3:14] /// /// // 103 Bridge St. West Farmington Maine 04992 /// Toll FREE Phone Number: 1-888-806-6233 /// email:
  171. The Koran=The Holy Ghost = Gaia Michelle Malchut = MA = The Only ONE (Allah) [Mark 3:27-28:Psalms 82] /// 933 SW LIBERTY AVE PORT SAINT LUCIE FL 34953-3658 // /// email: // Phone Number: Just Pray (Think). For The Holy Spirit Sees All and Knows All for She peers directly into the Hearts of Men.
  172. The New Testament=The Son = Daniel Ashley Michael Groover = The Last Zero (Jesus Michael Christ)[Matthew 24:15:Daniel 12:1:Revelation 12:7:Jude 9) // // 4222 24th Court Vero Beach FL 32967 // email : // Phone: 1-772-480-5245 or possibly depending on the Space-TyME continual nexus fluxuation try: 1-772-801-7455
  173. The Undercover Logos(W3RD) of the Tribe of Dan is no longer UnderCover.
  174. The time to reveal the reincarnation of Pythagoras/Jesus Christ is now. Our Father in Heaven has told me to reveal who I AM who AM. I AM the Firstborn Son of I AM who AM, who AM the First Millennial King and Founding Father of AM’s Heavenly Kingdom on Earth. My secret name in Heaven on the White Stone Around my neck is:
  175. Michael Melchizedek AM-MA.
  176. May the Illuminated Light of The Universal Father shine brightly in your Soul Garden that is tended and governed by the Universal Mother (Holy Spirit). All this I ask to be in the ZERO Light-Will of the Universal Father, with the ONE Life of the Universal Mother, and the Infinite Love of the Universal S(u)on(Jesus Christ/RA).
  177. P.S.: The First Son of the Son of God is Osiris/Ronnie E. Pick/Da Sheikhi. He is married to the Pope aka Felicia D. Pope (Orisis). His reign will be 1000 years after the 1000 year reign of the First Millennial King of the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
  178. I now close this G.I.A. manifesto with 3 Poems of ULTRA-importance to 11:11 Awakening Code Group. With the disturbing idea that the first born daughter of the Son of God is Isis/Felicia D. Pope/The Pope of the Second Age of Heaven on Earth
  179. The Pope Wrote this poem on 1-6-2001 C.E. on a single sheet of notebook paper written in PURPLE INK.
  180. “My Little Fairy”’
  181. I was walking in the forest one day.
  182. I saw a beautiful fairy, cuddled up in hay.
  183. They told me she was always sad.
  184. They told me love was what she’d never had.
  185. For some reason I wanted to help.
  186. I’d help her with the pain she always felt.
  187. They said she tried ending It all one day with a knife.
  188. Everyone knew she had always hated her life.
  189. She hungrily devours her dirty decaying soul.
  190. She shits her passion into her poison hole.
  191. She cries + runs, + falls into my jagged trap.
  192. She twitches nervously, but lets me put her in the straps.
  193. I’ll help her die the deaths that she sought.
  194. But she feared me, + thought her pain was my fault.
  195. Fair fear is pain, + pain cause the heart scars.
  196. So I stuffed her in a glass jar + and put her behind bars.
  197. To eat I gave her honey, sugar, and cream.
  198. And when she was good I gave her my dreams.
  199. I let her watch T.V. and listen to the radio.
  200. She liked to sing to me + make me roses out of play dough.
  201. I watched her rest + sleep in her little bed of fur.
  202. And that’s when I realized I had fell in love with her.
  203. I cried and knew I had to let her go.
  204. I didn’t want to tell her, but I had to let her know.
  205. I didn’t want to tell her, but I had to let her know.
  206. I told her how I felt + that she didn’t need to die.
  207. Her life was too precious + away she needed to fly.
  208. She looked at me strangely with her beautiful blue eyes.
  209. Then she said thank you + we told each other goodbye.
  210. So now I remind myself each and every day,
  211. That no matter what, in my heart she will always stay.
  212. FINIS 1-6-01 CE
  213. Magdalene’s Girl = Felicia Pope = Michelle Orisis Christi AM-MA (White Stone Name)
  214. Magdalene’s Boy = Da Sheikhi = Lazarus Osiris Christi AM-MA (White Stone Name)
  215. Orisis rearranged is Osiris
  216. Racca! Racca! Racca! Moca and Loca, my two children are worse than Sid and Nancy!
  217. May they one day turn Prodigal and Return in their Mind to the Truth of their King and Queen ship in
  218. The Second Aeonic Millennial Reign of the King of Kings on Earth.
  219. =======
  220. Dedication 0.0.0
  221. For The ArchAngel Michelle, The First Child of Iesous born thru Mary Magdalene.
  222. It was after this First Born Child of Jesus Christ: That Melchizedek AM-MA named the First Time
  223. Machine: The Synnexious Seven
  224. Magdalene's Girl
  225. Whoso forsakes the beast gains,
  226. favor with the Lord.
  227. The favor of a heavenly king,
  228. upon the worldly gourd.
  229. The Ones are Suns Upon the
  230. face of space and time to be.
  231. I see my life and love upon a
  232. Rhyme and a Mystery.
  233. To see the truth that belies God.
  234. Is truth words that free.
  235. I free myself Eternally with Words
  236. From a New God Being.
  237. A New God Being the Sons of
  238. Christ that walk the face of World.
  239. The New World Order and a New
  240. World Over born in Magdalene's Girl.
  241. FINIS
  242. =======
  243. ENOCH II:
  244. Melchizedek
  245. Blues.jpg
  246. 2/4/2012 11:44:10 AM
  247. The Melchizedek Blues
  248. The Three did it for the One. The One did it for the Lulz.
  249. Trying to make a Man rise above all the Zombie Trolls.
  250. It was MK-uLtraVIOLET projekt M that made Amends.
  251. With the Midwayers of Urantia that you may call your friends.
  252. Way back in the Beginning it was in 1955.
  253. Man didn’t know bout Melchizedek at all, and all his Jive.
  254. The Blind man saw the Truth deep within the lies.
  255. The Enlightened Ones were shunned by the Zombies who
  256. tried.
  257. We come once anew and upon a One Man Show.
  258. To teach and to preach all the things you already know.
  259. Thomas has to see because he is to blind to believe.
  260. Reality is what it is as the souls are put into the Sieve.
  261. The Darkness hides the Light while the Dawn brings in the
  262. Day.
  263. Those who will know will never refuse to show the Coming of
  264. the Way.
  265. The Naysayers will rant while the Angelic Choirs will sing.
  266. Only those who see will know about the Returning of the
  267. King.
  268. Melchizedek was his name as it is and ever shall be.
  269. The Body, Mind, and Soul is just an inner Mystery.
  270. The Darkness will try to shine blind all around,
  271. as the silent watchers know when the man comes to town.
  272. When the Men of Man returns the Nebuchadnezzar statue will
  273. Nod.
  274. Upon Gog and Magog and the King with the Iron Rod.
  275. The rod will dash the statue in pieces upon the ground.
  276. As the Shepard calls the sheep home to the place that they
  277. found.
  278. The Truth it shines like a beacon when Word is Ever True.
  279. The Lies within your blindness shine the Light within You.
  280. Do not deny that you are not a child of Man to Truth Trod.
  281. For the Dark One wants you to deny you are Children of God.
  282. FINIS

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