

DATE: Jan. 16, 2014, 6:16 a.m.

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  1. >be 20, in need of employment becuase reasons
  2. >scour around like a crack addict looking for his fix
  3. >job market sucks, most places tell me to "apply online and we'll get back you" (BULL FUCKING HORSE SHIT)
  4. >some even goes as far as to promise me a call the next day, and never talk to me again
  5. >people are mean
  6. >after a solid month of searching, I focus on the seedy parts of town
  7. >some options, but most seem shady, dangerous or straight up illegal
  8. >im to white for this
  9. >driving back home, discouraged, when I pass a strip club
  10. >fuck it, whats another cock slap at this point?
  11. >go in, walk akwarldy around the dispointed aura of so many parents, and find the manager
  12. >tell him im looking for work, will literally sweep floors and stock abortion pills if its needed
  13. >"...well we dont need that. How about secuirty?"
  14. >I went as a cop for halloween when I was 7
  15. >"cool, come back in next monday and we'll get you set up"
  16. >driving home, wtf just happened ?
  17. >contempleting going back and telling them no, but this shit is better than working at burger
  18. >ill give it a week, dad always said at least try somthing before making up your mind
  19. >this was said before he ran out on us
  20. >go in next week, very nervous
  21. >its early,very few patrons and most of the girls are just sitting around
  22. >the manager brings me over to this really built looking gentleman in his 30's
  23. >"anon, this is mike, he's one of our top guards here. he's basically your boss and will train you. brace yourself"
  24. >he stands up (damn tall, at least 6"1"), starts sizing me up
  25. >"I know you. thinkin youre just gonna get an easy job, oggle these women and kick shit in the back room in between suffocating your vien cane. That shit aint gonna work"
  26. >He's like a marine DI, sweet jesus I didnt sign up for this
  27. >he starts grinning, then cracking up
  28. >"man im just fucking around. ill show you the ropes,wanna go get a burger?"

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