

DATE: Jan. 25, 2013, 12:29 a.m.

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  1. Silver, at first, offered her thanks to her new ride's show of humility. That was before he started whispering to himself and, more importantly, Silver found out about her crippling fear of heights. This was unlike anything that had happened before. She had been to Manehattan and Fillydelphia and looked out from the tall buildings. That was fine and more than a little exhilarating. This was different, though. She was about six feet from the ground, with the world fuzzy and fading in and out, and the constant jostle of a pony trotting beneath her were scary for a filly such as herself. A slowly dawning terror, and that only made it worse. Her hooves wrapped themselves around tufts of yellow hair and her tiny silver frame began to quiver with fear. And, worst of all, she could feel the ultimate hallmark of her fear building up inside her. A little bit of urine leaked from her foalish frame, luckily blending in with her host's mane, prompting Silver to speak. This was, of course, embarrassing for the silvery mare, and so she made her request as quickly and as quietly as possible. "PleaseletmedownIwouldliketogohomenow". She didn't even have time to separate her words from each other- she was too busy clenching every muscle south of her cutie mark long enough to make the situation worse.

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