import itertools, sys
def combList(charString, maxLength):
"""Genorate inital word list. This is just diff combinations"""
#var to keepmtrack of how many times we've been through the loop
times = 0
#list to hold combinations
poss = []
for iteration in range(maxLength):
#Use try statment to make sure the max length isn't longer
#than the characters we're going to use
#Iter genorator for combos
comb = itertools.combinations(charString,times+1)
except ValueError:
print "Character string larger than max lenght\nplease try again"
#Genorator gives tuple with seporated values ex: ('w','o','r','d')
for word in comb:
#join tupe as string and add to list
s = ''.join(word)
times += 1
return poss
def permList(combinations):
"""Genorates permutations of the genorated combonation list"""
#going to write ultimate list to a file
#if not, you can run into virtual memory errors if the list gets above 4Gb
f = open("wordlist.txt","w")
#var to hold how many words we have
x = 0
for word in combinations:
#loop through combonations and genorate a list of all
#possable ways to combine letters
permutation = itertools.permutations(word)
for permWord in permutation:
x += 1
#del used permutation to free up some memory
#not so much needed, but this script will rape memory if
#appending to a list insteady of writing to a file
del permutation
#always close file handles
return x
def main():
"""Main program, gets user info and computes the lists"""
ch = raw_input("characters to try: ")
num = input("max length: ")
combo = combList(ch,num)
print "list genorated"
print "doing wordlist now"
permTotal = permList(combo)
f = open("wordlist.txt","r")
print "working..."
for i in range(permTotal+1):
word = f.readline().strip()
#This is where you would be doing the actule brute forcing
#you could try and log into a website or crack a password protected
#zip file, genorate md5's and crack a password dump
#if linux, brute force WPA wifi with iwconfig
#and any thing else you might need for a password
print word
print "done\n"