mosaic dracular ineptitude

SUBMITTED BY: pinnacleseth

DATE: Sept. 16, 2017, 3:33 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 841 Bytes

HITS: 247

  1. I after the occasion got charted up by Yvonne 2 days later and she stated categorically her displeasure in the crowd mismanagement which I also let her know it wasn't what I was booked for .she apologised and also apologised for what I wasn't solely responsible for . She told me her husband refused to pay the balance and I accepted my fate . So I was sooo ooo shocked that this same lady after almost a year will say what she said.i have been privileged to be contracted by about 12 brides in your blog and other event planners . 2 out of this events was a big regret for me . But I take it to be part of my learning process . If for nothing , I won't want to stain my biz name with a bad image because I have laboured to stand against all odds .I contacted her through what sap yesterday with just let God be the judge between I and her .

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