DATE: Nov. 24, 2013, 8:01 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 750 Bytes

HITS: 24495

  1. CoinUrl (short your link by this application, and every unique click will give you a BTC, YOU CAN EARN A LOT WITH THIS SITE)
  2. BitCoinPyramid (it's a classic financial pyramid)
  3. BitBillions (Many possibilites to earn bitcoins)
  4. BitBin (site similar to BitPasta, but you can check, how much do you earn)
  5. BitPasta (write your own pasta (text) and share it earning the money)
  6. Surf4BitCoin (install plugin and get free bitcoins for surfing the web)
  7. AAds (Generate banner and place it to your site, make bitcoins)
  8. RugaTu (answer the question on the forum, and take bitcoins for this)
  9. BitGigs (offer/take a job for a bitcoins)

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