

DATE: Oct. 24, 2013, 2:45 p.m.

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  23. $(function() {
  24. $( "#accordion" ).accordion();
  25. //Groups function
  26. //
  27. $(".li_sub").click(function(event){
  28. event.preventDefault();
  29. $.ajax({
  30. type:'GET',
  31. url:'' + session.token,
  32. dataType: 'application/json',
  33. success: function(){
  34. jsonData = JSON.parse(data);
  35. for (var i = 0; i < jsonData.groups.length; i++) {
  36. var groupComplete = jsonData.groups[i]._self;
  37. array = groupComplete.split('/');
  38. idGroup = array[array.length-1];
  39. groupBound = array[array.length-2];
  40. if (groupBound == 'houseorgan') {
  41. $("#in").html("<ul><li id=" + idGroup + " name=" + groupBound + " ><a href='#' class='see-posts'>" +
  42. jsonData.groups[i].name + "</a></li></ul>");
  43. } else if (groupBound == 'brandchannel'){
  44. $("#out").html("<ul><li id=" + idGroup + " name=" + groupBound + " ><a href='#' class='see-posts'>" +
  45. jsonData.groups[i].name + "</a></li></ul>");
  46. } else {
  47. $("#social").html("<ul><li id=" + idGroup + " name=" + groupBound + " ><a href='#' class='see-posts'>" +
  48. jsonData.groups[i].name + "</a></li></ul>");
  49. }
  50. };
  51. },
  52. error: function(msg){
  53. navigator.notification.alert(msg);
  54. }
  55. });
  56. });
  57. $(".see-posts").click(function(event){
  58. event.preventDefault();
  59. var group_id = $(event.currentTarget).attr('id');
  60. var groub_bound = $(event.currentTarget).attr('name');
  61. $.ajax({
  62. url = '' + group_id + '/5/0?api_key=' + session.token,
  63. data = {'group_id': group_id},
  64. success: function(){
  65. navigator.notification.alert('msg');
  66. },
  67. error: function(msg){
  68. navigator.notification.alert(msg);
  69. }
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