The Noah Factor (Catastrophic Earth Changes Forecasted from the Past)


DATE: Feb. 1, 2014, 3:04 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 724 Bytes

HITS: 839

  1. Discover How we are seeing repeated “Signs” that took place
  2. prior to the destruction of the Earth in the “Days of Noah”.
  3. We will look into Ancient Jewish Writings and History
  4. that give details of the Polar Shifts that occurred in the
  5. Earth prior to the Destruction by Flood.
  6. Was violent Seismic Activity and Polar Shifting
  7. responsible for breaking up the Fountains of the Deep?
  8. This message gives some deeper insight into increased
  9. Earthquake and Volcanic Activity as well as recent
  10. Sinkholes and how they are warnings of the soon “Return of the Lord”

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