school leaders


DATE: Nov. 20, 2013, 10:20 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.1 kB

HITS: 4134

  1. How school leaders can empower the digital transition
  2. By Laura Devaney, Managing Editor, @eSN_Laura
  3. Transitioning to a digital curriculum has been met with a mixture of enthusiasm and concern. While digital resources align with students' learning preferences and will enable them to leave school ready for college and the workforce, education leaders know that the digital shift requires planning, professional development, and support for teachers.
  4. As school administrators determine which digital curriculum solution--including packaged solutions with built-in assessments to state-created resources--will best suit their needs, they must ensure that teachers have enough administrator support and professional development to correctly implement truly beneficial digital curriculum resources.
  5. A large piece of the puzzle is "finding a way to get teachers comfortable with rethinking what they're doing," said Jeremy Macdonald, integrated technology systems coordinator with Bend-La Pine Schools in Bend, Ore., during an Alliance for Excellent Education Project 24 Google+ Hangout.

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