Easiest and Hardest Overwatch Heroes to Master
From Easiest to Hardest ( [22] to [1] )
( stumbled up on these great Overwatch guides: http://bit.ly/2aFIht8 )
[11] Lucio
What is so hard with Lucio? Lucio's support abilities are more difficult than what most players may think. Knowing when to constantly switch between healing and speed is not easy, and there is a steep learning curve to it. Not only this but Lucio can skate on walls for many purposes, such as to take a shortcut around a map, and possibly many many more that hasn't even been discovered yet.
Wall Ride:
Wall riding is a passive skill for Lucio that hasn't been fully tapped into yet. There are multiple uses for wall riding and it may takes years before we discover all the uses for it.
Sonic Projectiles:
Lucio's weapon fires out projectiles that travel kind of slowly to its destination and will take some practice to consistently get better at aiming with.
This ability knocks enemies away from him and has a moderate skill level associated with it.
This ability switches between Lucio's healing and speed aura. This is probably the most difficult aspect of Lucio to master. Knowing exactly when to switch between the two is not easy and will take some time to get used to.
Amp It Up:
This ability increases the effectiveness of Crossfade and goes hand in hand with it, as such it is another aspect that will take some skill to use at the right times.
ULTIMATE Sound Barrier:
Lucio's ultimate provides a +500 HP shield for him and all allies around him for a short duration. Knowing the right times to use this ability is very important.