disgruntled queen of the nile!

SUBMITTED BY: pinnacleseth

DATE: Sept. 15, 2017, 8:09 p.m.

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  1. I'm sending this as a chronicle but I'm really hoping that other girls will learn from it, start cooperating and stop being each others worst enemy.
  2. I got married end of last year to a guy i dated for 3 yrs.
  3. During the cause of our relationship, he was a serial cheat ( don't know if he still is coz I've decided to stop monitoring and all) so 2 years ago while we were still dating, I woke up one morning to his call coz I was doing my youth service then in a different state. I returned the call and a girl picked up, said hello and then hung up! I became alarmed as to why a girl was with his phone early that morning. It was just b4 6am so it was obviously someone he slept with the previous night since he doesn't go out that early.
  4. I started calling back and nobody picked...so it happened it's actually someone he's been sleeping with since I went for service and who knows he's in a relationship and was trying to break us up. So around 8am that morning, wen the girl had left, my bf returned my calls saying he just saw them. Wen I asked him about the girl that answered his fine earlier, he denied and tried convincing me it was network ( pathological liar) but unknown to him, the girl Even stole my no from his fone and still called me later that day with her no, telling me how they've bn seeing each other for some months now.
  5. I was mad!!! I called my bf immediately, told him everything the girl told me and then broke up with him. He kept begging for me to forgive him Even came to my base but I refused so he went back to his base and strategised.
  6. Shockingly, the same girl called me some days after my bf left my base to say that everything she told me was a lie that she never dated him that they just pulled the stunt to know the extent of my love for him. I was shocked Stella coz I didtn know how my guy convinced her to change her story!! I was very sure they were sleeping togrther ( I know from the answers she gave to my questions the first day she called me) why she changed her story was beyond me.
  7. Anyway, I decided to play along. I told my bf I've forgiven him. So weeks later, I visited his base...I was to stay for a wk. After 5 days, we came back and met his door open. Wen we're alarmed thinking he's been robbed! On getting inside, we saw a girl lying comfortably on his bed and I just knew immediately it was the girl. The girl started telling me that everything she told me initially was true.
  8. That they've been seeing each other and my guy promised to break up with me if she made that call telling me that her initial story was a lie. and that they just wanted to test my trust in him bla bla but that after she called and told me that, he didn break up with me. He kept begging me to come back to him while he kept sleeping with her. Stella I was mad @ my bf but mostly disappointed at the girl. Disappointed coz she's amongst those girl who create enmity between girls coz of guys. Disappointed as to how she let a guy manipulate her that much just coz she was desperate to date him. And this girl was very young! Younger than I was so I couldn't understand the desperation. And out of anger that she wanted me to lose my relationship, I slapped her and then we fought. I was so mad @ that moment Stella so I made my bf chose between myself and the girl.
  9. Guess what Stella? He chose her...I was heart broken. but I know it's basically coz I was out of town serving and he's someone that can't stay without sex...and he begged me so much to serve in his base but I refused instead I worked my service to a different state. Even as i was hurting, I started looking for contacts of native doctors that I can visit to kill them both ( he'll hath no fury like a woman scorned) I Even searched for acid dealers online but didn get. I was ready to do anything to them especially that girl coz I felt she broke a girls code or something coz of a guy...well, days later the idiot guy came back Begin that he only chose her coz I told him I'll start sleeping with other guys too wen I get back to my base.
  10. Anyway, we at started dating again and he kept sleeping with the other girl while I was serving ( he thought I didn know) so I just called the girl, told her the only reason my guy was sleeping with her was coz I was outta town and he can't stay without sex. That wen I eventually finish serving and return, he'll kick her out of his life.
  11. The mumu no believe coz for her mind him don chose am. Anyway, my guy came to my base and proposed to me on my POP. When I returned to his base, his neighbours who has been telling me whenever the girl is around told me about the incident that happened with same girl just few days ago how he threw her out of his house when she visited. Embarrassed her publicly and asked her to stop visiting coz I was coming back and he doesn't want anymore trouble but wants a steady relationship with me.
  12. Anyway, the girl left in tears...that was how she finally gave up and stopped disturbing my relationship. Today we are married... but to be honest Even wen I accepted his proposal, I wasnt in love with him anymore. I actually hated him. I only accepted for 2 reasons. One to make the girl know she can't go about breaking peoples relationship and secondly, to make my guys life miserable as his wife. But after his neighbour told me that story, I decided to truly forgive him. As for the girl I still wish her evil. Death and unhappiness Even for trying to take away my happiness and I hope another girl does same to her.

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