platform games

SUBMITTED BY: hpunsara

DATE: Sept. 18, 2016, 10:25 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 813 Bytes

HITS: 978

  1. Platform games are very common, in particular on devices like the Game Boy. In a platform game
  2. you look at the scene from the side. The player normally controls a character that walks around in
  3. the world. This world consists of platforms. The player can walk on these platforms, jump or drop
  4. from one platform to the other, use ladders or ropes to get to different places, etc. On the platforms
  5. there are objects to collect, enemies to avoid or kill (often either by shooting them or by jumping on
  6. top of them), switches to press to open passages, etc. Also the player normally requires skill to jump
  7. over dangerous areas. In some platform games you see the whole level at once, but in most you see
  8. only a part around the character. In such a case, finding your way around becomes an additional
  9. challenge.

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