13 Ways to Earn Bitcoin Daily for Free


DATE: Oct. 24, 2013, 7:02 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.6 kB

HITS: 1232

  1. First of all if you don’t know what are “Bitcoins” then head over to WeUseCoins and then come back here fast. I’m listing here all the good and free ways to earn Bitcoins. All you have to do is to have a bitcoin address ready or if you want to create one then go to BlockChain and create one. All links will open in a new tab.
  2. 1. Netlookup - free bitcoins every 24 hours, ad-supported.
  3. 2. Bitvisitor - watch websites for 5 minutes and get paid in bitcoins instantly.
  4. 3. BitcoinAddict - free bitcoins every 24 hours, chance to get a jackpot too.
  5. 4. Bitcrate - break a crate & get bitcoins. Different crates have different amounts.
  6. 5. DailyFreeBitcoins - free bitcoins every hour, ad-supported.
  7. 6. Coinad - free bitcoins every hour for account holders, otherwise every 24 hours.
  8. 7. Bitcoiner - free bitcoins every 24 hours, ad-supported.
  9. 8. Bitcoin Captcha - free bitcoins from a pre-selected pool.
  10. 9. Bunnyrun - select a bunny and win based on the position of the bunny in a race.
  11. 10. Cointicket - A big amount of bitcoins is split to all tickets every day. The more tickets you get, the more bitcoins you’ll receive.
  12. 11. ScratchCard - scratch and if you’re lucky, you win.
  13. 12. Bitcoin Dispenser - Lucky draw from donated pool of bitcoins.
  14. 13. CoinTube - Watch videos for few minutes and get paid instantly.
  15. The beauty of Bitcoins is that they are paid instantly.
  16. Most of the sites listed above are ad-supported. So in order to earn continuously, disable the Adblock extension for these sites.

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