

DATE: Oct. 11, 2024, 6:34 p.m.

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  1. <!doctype html>
  2. <title>Site Maintenance</title>
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  16. <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 202.24 202.24"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#fff;}</style></defs><title>Asset 3</title><g id="Layer_2" data-name="Layer 2"><g id="Capa_1" data-name="Capa 1"><path class="cls-1" d="M101.12,0A101.12,101.12,0,1,0,202.24,101.12,101.12,101.12,0,0,0,101.12,0ZM159,148.76H43.28a11.57,11.57,0,0,1-10-17.34L91.09,31.16a11.57,11.57,0,0,1,20.06,0L169,131.43a11.57,11.57,0,0,1-10,17.34Z"/><path class="cls-1" d="M101.12,36.93h0L43.27,137.21H159L101.13,36.94Zm0,88.7a7.71,7.71,0,1,1,7.71-7.71A7.71,7.71,0,0,1,101.12,125.63Zm7.71-50.13a7.56,7.56,0,0,1-.11,1.3l-3.8,22.49a3.86,3.86,0,0,1-7.61,0l-3.8-22.49a8,8,0,0,1-.11-1.3,7.71,7.71,0,1,1,15.43,0Z"/></g></g></svg>
  17. <h1>We&rsquo;ll be back soon!</h1>
  18. <div>
  19. <p>Sorry for the inconvenience. We&rsquo;re performing some maintenance at the moment. If you need to you can always follow us on <a href="http://www.twitter.com/">Twitter</a> for updates, otherwise we&rsquo;ll be back up shortly!</p>
  20. <p>&mdash; The [Global.ac.id] Team</p>
  21. </div>
  22. </article>

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