RaiseBitcoins.com - For Bitcoin kickstarters


DATE: April 13, 2013, 4:13 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 604 Bytes

HITS: 1000

  1. [1] RaiseBitcoins.com is now launched in Beta with no fees! Create a project and start crowdfunding with Bitcoins.
  2. This site uses the Blockchain API to forward bitcoins to your personal wallet after counting them on the project page. Currently there is no fee to use this service.
  3. This website was created to help fund my [2] Small Organic Farm in Michigan. If you like the project then please consider a small donation to help us reach our goal of expanding our Farm.
  4. New features coming soon including Assurance Contracts. Let us know what other features you would like to see.

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