Window 10 Technical operating system recently launched by Microsoft. You can easily use this Windows 10 Pro+Enterprises operating system on multiple devices such as a computer, laptop, and tablet. This operating system includes lots of features as well as tools that efficiently runs the latest apps on the desktop as well as in full-screen mode. Windows 10 has been added new revision of the desktop such as start menu and virtual desktop system to develop the experience for the keyboard as well as mouse users. Windows 10 Features A Truly Unified Store For Apps With Windows 10 and beyond, Microsoft will allow consumers to source content for all devices running its software from one central point. No longer will there be a different store for Xbox, Windows Phone, and Windows, but looking ahead, apps, music, video, and other such effects will be plucked from the same portal. With features including corporate data protection, and what the company refers to as modern management, business users will continue to thrive on what Microsoft is already dubbing as the best enterprise platform ever. Start Menu Hauled windows 10 1803 torrent very little remorse with the introduction of Windows 8, the removal of the long-standing Start menu left many users with a feeling of bemusement, but as promised, the traditional Windows 10 1803 torrent menu is back. And under-the-hood, Windows 10 will detect which sort of hardware you are running and it will adjust the user-interface to fit your needs. Enhanced Search Continuing on the topic of the Start menu, the search has also been enhanced with Windows 10. Users will be able to key in their search queries directly from Start and can perform both local and Web searches using this particular facility. Multitasking Multitasking continues to be an integral aspect as we seek to perform numerous tasks concurrently, and with Windows 10, Microsoft has added a couple of new features to make multitasking even simpler and more fluid. The new Task View button, for example, which is located on the taskbar, throws up an Expos©-like view of all of your apps, and even though Windows 10 is still very much in development, productive users will certainly enjoy some of the tweaks that have been made here. Multiple Desktops Windows users have long since bombarded themselves with an overloaded desktop, with files and apps accumulating into one big hullabaloo. Full Version Setup Download The Full Version of Windows 10, which has been referenced ad nauseam over the last couple of months, will be available for users to test starting October 1st, 2014.