Coinchat - Shinbot Help.


DATE: July 30, 2013, 10:19 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 498 Bytes

HITS: 1095

  1. Welcome to Techchat, the following explains how to use shinbot's current functions!
  2. //Get Game Provability Hash//
  3. - !sha
  4. //Play Basketball Tipping game//
  5. - Tip shinbot upto 5mbtc for a chance to win 2.2x your bet with 2/5 odds!
  6. You also get a small chance of winning 0.25 every time you play!
  7. //Get a GPU/CPU Average hashrate//
  8. - Type "!spec yourhardwarehere"
  9. Example: !spec HD7780
  10. !spec GTX620
  11. More features to come, stay tuned!

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