what is bitcoin HYIP website ?

SUBMITTED BY: illusiveman

DATE: Aug. 18, 2016, 4:13 p.m.

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  1. Bit coin HYIP (High Yeild Investment Programs) websites are those website where you invest some of you bit coins and you get some return on your investments. Some HIYP website promise about 100-200% daily bonus on your investment which is absolutely fake promise. Such programs are nothing than a ponzi scheme. The people behind these web are scammers and there are very high chances that they will run away with your money.
  2. You must be very careful while joining these web site. Any web site that promise a very high return on your investment is very very dangerous. Most HYIP web site are nothing then just a web layout, where you should never put your bitcoins. Make sure to check whois.com to know who owns the website before joining.

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