

DATE: March 16, 2013, 10:24 p.m.

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HITS: 1216

  1. euphemism] and like think every word he says is gold
  2. [18:11][<gator>] only reason he probably makes it is because he failed at every other music venture
  3. [18:11][<gator>] and honestly his music is stale
  4. [18:11][euphemism] it's the helmet that mad him famous
  5. [18:11][<gator>] he cant evolve
  6. [18:12][<gator>] for real
  7. [18:12][euphemism] surprisingly he was "smart" enough to use a gimmick
  8. [18:12][euphemism] it's noise
  9. [18:12][euphemism] and not even beautiful noise
  10. [18:12][euphemism] just racket
  11. [18:12][<gator>] :\
  12. [18:12][euphemism] /rant
  13. [18:12][euphemism] sorry
  14. [18:12][euphemism] lol

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