Carrots are grown in different parts of the world. It can be eaten raw or used to garnish other foods. Carrots contains essential vitamins and minerals that are very good for the body. In fact, carrot contains a mineral known as beta-carotene. It is this nutrient that makes it have so many health benefits. Here are some reasons why you should eat eat a carrot everyday.
1) It is good for the eyes: Carrots contains vitamin A which is very good for the eyes and can prevent eye diseases. It is also rich in lutein and lycopene which helps in maintaining good eye sight and even night vision.
2) It contains fiber: Fiber is very good for the guts as it prevents constipation. It also helps to improve digestive health and increases bowel regularity.
3) It aids in weight loss: Carrots are high in both soluble and insoluble fibres. These fibers takes a long time to digest and helps to promote a feeling of fullness. This will prevent you from eating fattening foods.
4)It lowers blood pressure: Carrots contains calcium which helps to relax tension in blood vessels and also enhances blood circulation in the body.
5) It boosts skin health: Carrots contains vitamins like beta carotene, lutein and lycopene. This helps to promote healthy skin and nails.