Laravel Push DB
This package allows you to easily export your database. It also provides an artisan command,php artisan db:push to make the process simpler. You can either run manually from the console or use with Laravel scheduler. It's totally a matter of choice.
I built it to ease the task of having to backup your mysql database from your laravel application.
To setup this package
Run composer require therealsmat/laravel-push-db
Add therealsmat\PushDB\PushDBServiceProvider::class to the providers array of your app.php file.
Run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="therealsmat\PushDB\PushDBServiceProvider". You should get a pushdb.php file in your config directory. You can change the defaults if you wish. Also you get a new command db:push automatically. Run php artisan list to view all available commands.
You can use this package in two ways.
public function export(PushDB $db)
if ($db->export()) {
return 'Database Export Successful';
return 'Database export not successful';
} catch (ProcessFailedException $e)
return $e->getMessage();
} catch (\Exception $e)
return $e->getMessage();
Simply run php artisan db:push and your database will be placed in the path you set from the pushdb.php output_path option. As simple as this command is, it can be used in several ways.
Optionally, Storage::disk('s3')->put('Database.sql', config('pushdb.output_path'));
Of course, you must have set up your s3 disk from the filesystems.php file.
Schedule (Automatically)
You can schedule (1) above to run automatically using Laravel Scheduler e.g
$schedule->command('db:push --force')->daily();
The package was built using laravel and is intended to work with mysql databases (for now). It uses symfony's process component to execute a mysql command.
In the future, i plan to
Include support for other databases
Implement push to cloud storage feature e.g push to Dropbox, google drive e.t.c.
How to contribute?
Clone the repository
Create a new branch
Send a Pull Request with the new features
You can send me a
Github Link