This Entrepreneur Buy a BMW with Coins


DATE: Jan. 1, 2018, 7:11 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 680 Bytes

HITS: 9185

  1. This Entrepreneur Buy a BMW with Coins
  2. Buying the desired goods like a car or motorbike with savings money is certainly satisfactory. Moreover, the savings collected were from coins.
  3. Although it takes a long time to collect coins to be finally able to buy a car with the savings there must be a sense of satisfaction in it.
  4. As recently done by a man from China who is also a businessman. If the change of change is usually only to pay for parking, this man instead collects a dime to buy a BMW for 400,000 yuan, equivalent to Rp 831 million.
  5. The unnamed man did not buy a BMW with a dime of his savings. He first exchanged 70,000 new yuan and the rest were paid coins.

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