DATE: Aug. 14, 2016, 9:23 p.m.

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  1. Whenever someone new visits your website, your #1 goal is to get them on your email list. That way you have a method of keeping them up-to-date on your latest offerings, so when they’re ready to hire you or buy your product, you’re right there in their inbox.
  2. And having a way for them to join your list that is both simple and effective will dramatically increase both your list numbers and your sales.
  3. Here are the three biggest mistakes I see regularly on business websites:
  4. 1. Not having a way to capture your visitors. Most people don’t bite on the first pass, and once they click away, it’s unlikely they’ll be back. Don’t lose them by not having a way for them to sign up for your list.
  5. 2. The opt-in box is buried. If your visitor can’t find the form to sign up, then how can they?
  6. TIP: Testing shows that the upper right-hand corner of your webpage is still the best spot for your opt-in box.
  7. 3. The sign-up form says something un-enticing like “click here for mailing list” – ugh!
  8. So, here are 5 proven ways that you can instantly increase your opt-in rates:
  9. 1. Give your visitor only one choice.
  10. Some of you may have heard of a 1-banana or a single action website, which is exactly that. You’re giving your visitor only one option – sign up for your list via your free ezine, special report, checklist, ebook, etc. They get their freebie in exchange for giving you their email address.
  11. One of my clients recently implemented this idea for her coaching business, which was a big leap of faith for her. I just got a joyful email from her saying that she’s noticed a substantial increase in her opt-ins since!
  12. It works, so don’t be afraid to try it. And by the way, a testimonial or two on your 1-banana website doesn’t hurt either.

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