All the same, if someone just wants sex (a man for example), he may have an equally difficult time getting just that just because he is unattractive. So, if a woman IS JUST seeking sex (dont know how that is, I’m not that way), perhaps women would probably get it easier because men are ready and willing, plus there isn’t really a ‘perceived threat’ factor when a girl asks a guy out than when a girl asks a guy out. Okay! Fine.
Hope I put up a good fight!
Touche’ Dogsquat… TOUche’…
Stop focusing on “who has it worse”. That doesn’t matter. This isn’t a right/wrong thing we’re talking about, any more than ecosystems have morals or protons have ethical codes.
Just focus on how it works.
I get the feeling that you’re angry or disappointed – perhaps by something that recently happened. I may be wrong about that – it’s just a feeling I got from your word choice. If, on the other hand, I am correct – I humbly suggest that you re-read this conversation in a neutral state of mind. Perhaps in a week or a month?
I was focusing on who has it worse because many people assert that women can get it easier than men. Not implying that anyone here did, but that was my reasoning, and I was attempting to disprove it.
No, I’m not angry/disappointed, just a bit apprehensive about life possibly. I am young- as I said before- and there are some things I deliberately refuse to see as truth (even though they may be). Of course, experience will tell.
You’re totally right. It doesn’t matter who has it worse.
You mentioned the ‘Female Gaze’ and that those that only see it from this point of view will think that most men are promiscuous/want to sleep with a ton of women. But I think that this view is not only limited to females, as it has been a long-held stereotype that men are generally promiscuous (or at least want to be) by women and some men as well. I think the ‘Apex Fallacy’ does well to disprove that, which is a good thing in my eyes, I never really believed that stereotype myself.
Anyway, I don’t really think my argument had to do with ‘willful ignorance,’ or lack of intelligence, so much as a differing perspective, as everyone sees things a different way based on what happens to them in life. But this discussion is a mind-opener!
“Anyway, I don’t really think my argument had to do with ‘willful ignorance,’ or lack of intelligence, so much as a differing perspective, as everyone sees things a different way based on what happens to them in life. But this discussion is a mind-opener!”