Best YT comment troll!


DATE: Aug. 4, 2013, 5:56 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 7.5 kB

HITS: 1000

  1. /---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\
  2. |This conversation occured XX.02.2013 - XX.05.2013, it occured in the YouTube comments under this video - |
  3. | . |
  4. |The trolling starts when a user under the nickname "thenumbersmason" starts replying to "McGonnigal's" |
  5. |comments. |
  6. |It's too dangerous to go alone, take this with you! o=}===> |
  7. \---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/
  8. McGonnigal
  9. ashens fucks it up once again by being an insufferable prick that cries when he can't get his way
  10. toshineon
  11. Unlike you, you can of course handle all situations perfectly with a calm mindset.
  12. McGonnigal
  13. im glad u can recognize those qualities in me, shit for brains
  14. toshineon
  15. Well, that's not nice. Is that how you always treat people who compliment you?
  16. McGonnigal
  17. that's how i treat the fags yeah
  18. toshineon
  19. I see. In that case I should not need to worry, as I'm not homosexual.
  20. McGonnigal
  21. let me guess ur being sarcastic again right
  22. toshineon
  23. Honest question, why do you insist on arguing? What's in it for you?
  24. McGonnigal
  25. i'm improving society
  26. toshineon
  27. Oh. Well, good luck with that, then.
  28. McGonnigal
  29. i am sick and tired of your condescending attitude. take that upturned nose of yours and shove it up ur ass
  30. fManuswa
  31. Bitches, quit spamming youtube.
  32. McGonnigal
  33. @h@agreed
  34. thenumbersmason
  35. STAHP
  36. McGonnigal
  37. what the fuck is ur bitch ass gonna do about it??? go drool in the corner u fuckin stupid
  38. thenumbersmason
  40. McGonnigal
  41. shut it u fuckin pussy
  42. thenumbersmason
  44. McGonnigal
  45. are u missing ur fingers? knew u were a mutilated freak
  46. thenumbersmason
  47. Y R U SO MD?
  48. McGonnigal
  49. wy d u ype ke s
  50. thenumbersmason
  51. ??
  52. McGonnigal
  53. guess u are a fuckin retard huh figure it out
  54. thenumbersmason
  55. ..
  56. McGonnigal
  57. nothin to say huh bitch? that's what i thought
  58. thenumbersmason
  59. BB, PLZ
  60. McGonnigal
  61. stfu kid ur done do u understand? done.
  62. thenumbersmason
  63. I don't understand, nigger.
  64. McGonnigal
  65. if u dont understand then ur a total fuckin retard, and i dont make fun of retards so take your condescending piece of shit attitude, turn it sideways, and stick it straight up ur candy ass. ur fuckin dumb. straight up stupid as shit bitch
  66. thenumbersmason
  67. Calling someone retarded is very classy, huh?
  68. McGonnigal
  69. "classy" lmfao wow u think ur humphrey bogart or some shit? i bet u wear a fedora cause u think it looks good on u too ahaha ur a fuckin joke
  70. thenumbersmason
  71. Oh, wow, Humphrey Bogart reference, don't see those everyday. Oh, wait, that's because they're terrible.
  72. McGonnigal
  73. bet ur dumb ass had to look up who that was which is pathetic since ur going on about being classy. on top of that, how is it a terrible reference if all i did was say his name? figure it out u waste of food
  74. thenumbersmason
  75. It was a terrible reference because nobody cares about some obscure actor who played in Casablanca, an awful movie, from decades ago. Also, you're calling me pathetic based on the assumption that I didn't know who Humphrey Bogart was, which is untrue. Perhaps an antediluvian such as yourself would best think before speaking, lest he look a fool.
  76. McGonnigal
  77. casablanca is widely considered to be the greatest film in the history of cinema. can you explain to me why it's such an awful movie? let me guess, because it's in black and white? ahahaha wow what a little kid. im calling u pathetic based on the comments you've been posting, shit for brains. i know for a fact that u have a developmental disability and now i've got it narrowed down to autism or just plain old retardation. take ur adderall, bitch
  78. thenumbersmason
  79. It is not widely considered to be the greatest film, douchebags who like to pretend they're cultured say it's great even though they probably couldn't accurately describe the plot of the blasted thing.
  80. McGonnigal
  81. roger ebert and associates are uncultured douchebags? ur full of shit, kid. get fucked.
  82. thenumbersmason
  83. How dare I insult Roger Ebert! I'm practically a satanist, after all, he knows everything.
  84. McGonnigal
  85. oh i get it that's cute ur putting on this little act well how about u act like someone with some sense in their fucken skull
  86. thenumbersmason
  87. How about you stop acting like an ape.
  88. McGonnigal
  89. how about u suck my dick cause i know ur a faggot so u wont even have to put those acting skills to use just the cock gobbling ones u gay
  90. thenumbersmason
  91. Are you insinuating that I'm a good actor?
  92. McGonnigal
  93. im insinuating that ur a fat faggot
  94. thenumbersmason
  95. Oh
  96. McGonnigal
  97. fuckin dumbass get it thru ur thick skull
  98. thenumbersmason
  99. Oh
  100. McGonnigal
  101. that's what ur mom was saying over and over when i jackhammered her pussy last nite bitch
  102. thenumbersmason
  103. Oh
  104. McGonnigal
  105. like mother like son huh i bet ur pussy reeks too
  106. thenumbersmason
  107. Oh
  108. McGonnigal
  109. that's what i thought bitch blow it out ur fuckin ass kid
  110. thenumbersmason
  111. Oh
  112. McGonnigal
  113. oh oh oh oh eat shit u fuckin clown oh oh oh oh
  114. thenumbersmason
  115. Oh
  116. McGonnigal
  117. that isn't even a valid response to what i said all ur doing is making urself look like an autistic kid trying out his high school bully defense mechanism on the internet lmfao keep going bitch it's working out so well for u
  118. thenumbersmason
  119. That's not all I'm doing, window licker.
  120. McGonnigal
  121. then explain to me what u are doing because it's obvious that i don't understand. please, i am begging u to bless me with your blatantly superior intellect and fill me in on this whole situation. what exactly is it that u doing besides replying with "oh" to every one of my comments? btw that's sarcastic i know ur talking out of ur ass u sleazy piece of shit
  122. thenumbersmason
  123. I am trolling a very over-aggressive douche.
  124. McGonnigal
  125. if ur idea of trolling is saying "oh" to everything u need to get ur fuckin head checked. wow super good troll what a fuckin loser. i hope for ur sake that ur not even trying.
  126. thenumbersmason
  127. My idea of trolling is to get incompetent people angry for no reason.
  128. McGonnigal
  129. lmao well u have proven urself to be a very incompetent troll so back to the drawing board shit for brains ur gonna have to come up with something better than "oh"
  130. thenumbersmason
  131. I made you angry. I win. Good-bye, ingrate.

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