Overwatch Heroes - [1] Genji


DATE: Aug. 14, 2016, 10:01 p.m.

UPDATED: Aug. 14, 2016, 10:33 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 3.0 kB

HITS: 2165

  1. Easiest and Hardest Overwatch Heroes to Master
  2. From Easiest to Hardest ( [22] to [1] )
  3. ( stumbled up on these great Overwatch guides: http://bit.ly/2aFIht8 )
  4. [1] Genji
  5. Every single aspect of Genji requires an insane amount of precision and I feel like he just blows every other hero away at being the hardest Overwatch hero to master. One of my thoughts with Genji is: how good can a Genji player actually get? In his current state, Genji might be the most powerful hero in the game, but nobody really knows for sure right now because no one has completely unlocked his full potential yet. To fully unlock Genji's full potential it will require a lot of practice and grinding, possibly years to become very fluent with him.
  6. Genji's mobility in general will take some time to get used to as he can climb walls and double jump. There are many shortcuts Genji can do and learning them is essential to mastering him.
  7. Shuriken:
  8. Genji's shurikens are probably the hardest weapon to aim with in Overwatch, even more difficult than Hanzo's Storm Bow. The shurikens have amazing damage potential as they do no fall off distance damage, but it will take a lot of practice to consistently land shurikens on your targets.
  9. Deflect:
  10. This ability blocks incoming shots and projectiles and ricochets them back to the enemy. Using this at the right times along with properly aiming them back at the enemy is not easy and will take some time to get the hang of.
  11. Swift Strike:
  12. Another ability that takes insane skill to master. Swift Strikes have many uses and combos well with other abilities. Properly executing them is not easy.
  13. ULTIMATE Dragonblade:
  14. Dragonblade is one of the few ultimates in the game that actually requires skill to control it from start to finish. While Dragonblade is active, Genji's Swift Strike becomes immediately available again (even if it was on a cooldown). Using Dragonblade is risky because Genji is still very vulnerable while using it. This is one of the most difficult ultimates to properly use and it will takes some time to get down better.
  15. []._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]
  16. [01] Genji > http://bit.ly/2bgjTR3
  17. [02] Hanzo > http://bit.ly/2aWnqSt
  18. [03] Junkrat > http://bit.ly/2bsGjPK
  19. [04] Mei > http://bit.ly/2b4tDxo
  20. [05] Tracer > http://bit.ly/2aUwWcG
  21. [06] Ana > http://bit.ly/2aWnZLV
  22. [07] Zarya > http://bit.ly/2aT4B0x
  23. [08] McCree > http://bit.ly/2bi5els
  24. [09] D.va > http://bit.ly/2aUx8sL
  25. [10] Zenyatta > http://bit.ly/2aT4vGa
  26. [11] Lucio > http://bit.ly/2bgueOf
  27. [12] Pharah > http://bit.ly/2brsjCJ
  28. [13] Widowmaker > http://bit.ly/2b4v1Qs
  29. [14] Roadhog > http://bit.ly/2b9mzMW
  30. [15] Symmetra > http://bit.ly/2aMqP9k
  31. [16] Soldier 76 > http://bit.ly/2b9nSeM
  32. [17] Mercy > http://bit.ly/2aUxEGY
  33. [18] Reinhardt > http://bit.ly/2bvJ1F2
  34. [19] Bastion > http://bit.ly/2b7OjUy
  35. [20] Torbjorn > http://bit.ly/2br3wzI
  36. [21] Reaper > http://bit.ly/2aWoEgk
  37. [22] Winston > http://bit.ly/2bsFxSG
  38. []._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]

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