
SUBMITTED BY: bryanfoxcon111

DATE: June 30, 2016, 4:48 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 847 Bytes

HITS: 462

  1. Why are you suddenly finding his words offensive and out of line?
  2. What took you so long and where were you all this while?
  3. Let me guess, you were too busy getting manicures and sipping on tea with bites of short bread deciding on what colour to paint their nails.
  4. Afia and the many others weren’t worth your energy, after all she brought it upon herself, as many of you wrote on your wall. Some went as far as saying, she’d attacked the Ministry of Gender in the past and so didn’t deserve attention.
  5. Unfortunately, and it really pains me to write this, but I have to agree with the NPP party financier Anthony Karbo.
  6. His unreasonable acertation that the opposition doesn’t in anyway have to call Ken Agyapong to order, especially since it isn’t the first anyone has made a statement like that against a woman, is disgustingly true.

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