Jet Screenshot for free


DATE: Dec. 4, 2015, 8:48 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 972 Bytes

HITS: 479

  1. 1) Choosing the giveaway purchase item below will get you here to create your Jet Screenshot account.
  2. 2) Confirm your email. The code that looks like 96786a1316b7c2eba7b6a03e64f49ecd is NOT for activation of the software, it’s for confirmation of emails.
  3. 3) When you are done, download the product from here, install and run it if you have not yet done so.
  4. 4) Right-click the Jet Screenshot icon in the system tray and choose Activate Paid Features item.
  5. 5) Enter the email address you’ve used at step 1 into the email field and type in your password to your account on into the password field.
  6. 6) Click Activate button.
  7. To make sure you did everything correctly, right-click the Jet Screenshot icon in the system tray and choose About. This opens the About dialog that should show ‘BitsDuJour Giveaway’.

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