DATE: Dec. 6, 2013, 11:42 p.m.

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  1. Notes:
  2. The caraway seeds can be ground in a coffee or spice grinder or with a mortar and pestle.
  3. The book recommends using white rye flour, which I purchased from King Arthur Flour.
  4. When preparing Stages One and Two, the object is to make a thick consistency as close as possible to that of a soft dough. If the mixture is too soupy, add more flour ΒΌ cup at a time and mix until smooth.
  5. It is recommended that Stage One and Two be made on the same day, the second stage refrigerated overnight, and the third stage prepared the morning of baking. If you intend on baking the bread first thing in the morning, then prepare the third stage the evening before, so it can rise slowly all night and be ready in the morning.
  6. The sour starter can be refrigerated; it is recommended that it be stirred down every 3 to 4 days if it hasn't been used. Every 10 to 12 days, dispose of half of the starter and refresh it by mixing in equal amounts of rye flour and water. If there is some discoloration on top, it can be skimmed off.

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