irc log #etnaviv


DATE: Nov. 14, 2013, 7:14 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.1 kB

HITS: 1267

  1. <wumpus> Pixel pipes: 0x00000001
  2. <wumpus> woohoo
  3. <tchebb> Good?
  4. <wumpus> yes very good
  5. <wumpus> if it was 2, it would be like gc2000, which is not supported yet
  6. <wumpus> (which does split-framebuffer rendering, which is kind of annoying :-)
  7. <tchebb> I'm not sure what that is, but it sounds scary
  8. <wumpus> well everywhere you normally have to pass one pointer, you have to pass two, each "pixel pipe" rendering to its own half
  9. <wumpus> which brings all kinds of fun alignment challenges
  10. <tchebb> huh
  11. <wumpus> it's like SLI
  12. <tchebb> Is each one physically mapped to half of the screen?
  13. <tchebb> I see
  14. <wumpus> yes it's subdivided, and the final resolve step combines them
  15. <wumpus> and there seems to be no way to turn it off
  16. <wumpus> so there's no half-performant half way
  17. <tchebb> It's not possible to run in a mode where one of the pipes is disabled?
  18. <wumpus> nope! :D
  19. <tchebb> fun
  20. <wumpus> well maybe it's possible but I'e not found it
  21. <wumpus> I guess it'd be possible to ignore the output from one of the pixel pipes

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