

DATE: Dec. 15, 2013, 9:35 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 2.7 kB

HITS: 832

  1. Have you heard about 10 Fast Fingers? Or http://10fastfingers.com/ ?
  2. Yeah... It's a speed test to test how fast you type.
  3. And do you know this trick? There's a quite simple software that can be used to cheat in that typing test.
  4. Here is how:
  5. [tpu][tpb][PLEASE NOTE: The author/writer of this "How to" article is not responsible for the impact of this trick.][/tpb][/tpu]
  6. [tpcode]
  7. 1. Download the program called AutoHotKey (AHK) from it's download site: http://www.autohotkey.com/download/
  8. [/tpcode]
  9. [tpcolor=#2E8B57][TIPS: It's recommended to download the AutoHotkey_L if you need the unicode in the speed test such as Japannese][/tpcolor]
  10. [tpcode]
  11. 2. Open the Typing Test, the recommended one is the typing test from 10fastfingers.com and using Mozilla Firefox
  12. [/tpcode]
  13. [tpcode]
  14. 3. Open the AHK and Right Click on the icon in the tray --> Edit this script, it will show you a notepad window.
  15. [/tpcode]
  16. [tpcolor=#2E8B57][TIPS: Open one more notpead for the next step][/tpcolor]
  17. [tpcode]
  18. 4. Highlight the texts by holding left mouse and right click --> View Selection Source. It'll show a windows showing a long texts, if it is not long, please re-do this step. Copy them all and paste in a notepad I've recommend in the tips before. DON'T CLOSE THE BROWSER!
  19. [/tpcode]
  20. [tpcode]
  21. 5. Filter the text, use the "Replace" feature in the notepad to filter the texts. Delete this manually or put in the "What to Replace" in the Replace window and make sure the "Replace with" box is empty.
  22. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please put the words in the quote (excluding the quotes) below in the "What to Replace" box, including it's spaces, characters, symbols, then click the "Replace All" button.
  23. [/tpcode]
  24. [tpcode]
  25. '</span> '
  26. '"' --> Delete all quotes in the texts
  27. '1'
  28. '2'
  29. '3'
  30. '4'
  31. '5'
  32. '6'
  33. '7'
  34. '8'
  35. '9'
  36. '0'
  37. '<span wordnr='
  38. 'class=>'
  39. '<div style=top: px; id=row> class=highlight>'
  40. '</div>'
  41. [/tpcode]
  43. [tpcode]
  44. 6. The Result must be no symbol, only words and spaces, please make sure that the space between each word is only one, not two. If you have make sure, copy them all and put in the "Edit the Script" notepad like this (change the -Paste Here- with the words)
  45. [/tpcode]
  46. [tpcode]
  47. ^!m::
  48. Send -Paste Here-
  49. return
  50. [/tpcode]
  51. [tpcode]
  52. 7. Save the notepad, right click on the AHK icon in the tray and click reload the script.
  53. [/tpcode]
  54. The last thing is: Go back to your typing test page, click on the typing text box, press CONTROL + ALT + M, it should be working!

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