Autopilot upload files best rates!


DATE: Jan. 28, 2019, 2:49 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 732 Bytes

HITS: 294

  1. I make a few extra bucks screwing around on my computer. I upload good files and get paid a small amount. It all helps. Good gaming hacks are very much in need.
  2. Earn up to $1800 per 1000 unique downloads! Share your files!
  3. Earn 100% from every completed download via our installer. You will earn from every install of the file user chooses during download.
  4. Country
  5. Max (1 download)
  6. Average (1 download)
  7. United States
  8. $1.8
  9. $1.25
  10. United Kingdom
  11. $1.15
  12. $0.8
  13. Germany
  14. $0.72
  15. $0.59
  16. Australia
  17. $0.67
  18. $0.49
  19. France
  20. $0.66
  21. $0.47
  22. Canada
  23. $0.63
  24. $0.46
  25. Italy
  26. $0.49
  27. $0.35
  28. Netherlands
  29. $0.40
  30. $0.27
  31. Spain
  32. $0.38
  33. $0.24
  34. Sweden
  35. $0.37
  36. $0.22
  37. Norway
  38. $0.37
  39. $0.23
  40. Denmark
  41. $0.35
  42. $0.21

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