The program is a U. Department of Defense DoD initiative to deploy machine learning for military purposes. But it appears that this controversy was not just about the company giving the DoD a regular on which to train TensorFlow models. Those are hefty ethical stakes, even with humans in the loop further along the. Companies, and the individuals who work inside them, should be extremely cautious about working with any military agency where the application involves potential harm to humans or could contribute to arms races or geopolitical instability. Those risks are project maven google and difficult to predict, let alone mitigate. It cannot just assume that the contracting military agency has fully assessed the risks or that it doesn't have a responsibility to do so independently. While this is not an easy task, the is troubling. Does this process apply before work commences, along the development pathway and after deployment. Could it incorporate sufficient expertise to address subtle and complex technical problems. And would those leading the process have sufficient independence and authority to ensure that it can check companies' and military agencies' decisions. Or to ensuring that any defensive autonomous systems are carefully engineered to avoid risks of. Are present testing and formal verification methods adequate for that task. Given this letter, we are concerned that the internal transparency, review, and discussion of Project Maven inside Google was inadequate. Any project review process must be transparent, informed, and independent. While it remains difficult to ensure that that is the case, without such independent oversight, a project runs real risk of project maven google. These are just starting points. Other specific questions will surely need answering, both for future proposals and even this one, since many details of the Project Maven collaboration are not public. It certainly does not have them in a public, transparent, or accountable way. Companies like Google, as well as their counterparts around the world, must consider the consequences and demand project maven google accountability and standards of behavior from the military agencies that seek their expertise—and from themselves. Específicamente, los grupos exigen que Facebook explique — claramente - cuánto. Specifically, the groups demand that Facebook clearly explain how much content it removes, both rightly. Employees at, and have raised public concerns about those companies assisting U. These public calls from employees raise important questions: what steps should a. Axon, based in Scottsdale, Arizona, is responsible for.