[Nth] Top 10 predictions for Bitcoin [Part IV]


DATE: Feb. 2, 2014, 11:53 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 906 Bytes

HITS: 885

  1. 4. Bitcoin community will solve problems including that of 'anonymity'
  2. One of the key roadblocks for governments and financial institutions to start participating in Bitcoins is the anonymous nature of its transactions. This has led regulators to believe that Bitcoin can potentially be used for money laundering, terrorist support etc. The good news [is] that we have a very active Bitcoin community globally, which is constantly evolving the protocol. Hence, my prediction, in an effort to make Bitcoin more accepted, is that this community will come out with a solution to 'anonymity' that regulators can live with. One of the ways [it can be achieved] today is by forcing exchanges, wallet services and other Bitcoin companies to have KYC practices similar to those of financial institutions. As a side thought - Internet was and is still used for porn. That does not make it 'not useful'!

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