SUBMITTED BY: InternetFreedom

DATE: Sept. 19, 2016, 9:02 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.2 kB

HITS: 445

  1. Anti-drug sports events followed—everything from tennis to motocross carrying the message for a drug-free world—until the team went for the Italian jugular: soccer.
  2. Say No to Drugs Milano formed its soccer team and began competing, earning more than 20 trophies in all. Then, launching anti-drug tournaments of their own, the team played against local and state police, inmates and correctional officers at a nearby jail, and even members of the city council.
  3. Publisher of the national police magazine L’Impegno, (The Commitment), caught wind of The Truth About Drugs and requested that one booklet be placed in each of the 10,000 magazine copies distributed bimonthly to police across Italy.
  4. One senior police officer has since become an enthusiastic advocate of The Truth About Drugs and distributes booklets that feature the national police logo alongside that of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World. He also uses program materials in prevention lectures to students throughout the Lombardy region.
  5. Through their multi-pronged attack, the Say No to Drugs Milano team has distributed more than 350,000 Truth About Drugs booklets, bringing the reality of a drug-free home for their children closer with each one.

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