How to Convert Your Bitcoins to USD?
When you are ready to convert your Bitcoins to real, hard cash, it won’t be hard at all. There are many Bitcoin exchange service providers who will gladly do this for you and withdraw your Bitcoins directly to your bank account for a minimal fee. These exchange service providers have tied up with funding partners that enables Bitcoin traders to be able to transfer, withdraw, and convert their Bitcoins to local currencies.
Another way to convert your Bitcoins to USD or any other currency is by doing OTC or P2P deals with other Bitcoiners who are willing or offering to buy your Bitcoin in exchange for USD based on the current exchange rate. You will have to deal with the buyer yourself and use your own intuition whether or not the exchange is safe and trustworthy.
How to Accept Bitcoin Payments on Your Websi
If you decide to convert your Bitcoins to USD through a fellow Bitcoiner, we would suggest you find a local Bitcoiner near you and deal with people face-to-face so you can do the transaction with ease of mind.
However, it is highly suggested that you exchange and convert your Bitcoins to USD through trusted Bitcoin exchange service providers, such as Mt.Gox, where you can have high security of your funds being transferred to your bank directly and conveniently at that. Never mind the transaction fee, it will still be better for your peace of mind.