Getting money through advertising


DATE: March 19, 2013, 2:48 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 2.1 kB

HITS: 1303

  1. Make some money referring new members and advertising. Get 50% of referral deposits along with random referrals and random income.
  2. Visit
  3. Make up any name and a strong password.
  4. You now have a Bitcoin wallet with a Bitcoin address.
  5. Goto the deposit section. This is option there are other ways to get Bitcoin, but this is quickest and most convenient.
  6. A bitinstant page will show up. Choose an amount to deposit. Keep in mind there is a $4 fee. You can deposit $20-500.
  7. You will get a message with an account number. Goto any MoneyGram location (CVS or Walmart) give them the information and cash.
  8. You can goto the store now, or continue with these steps now.
  9. Back to your block chain wallet
  10. Copy the address.. It looks like this
  11. 1HHtQ12RXiNTLQECMbAdBxzcFj1PW1yGNX
  12. Open a new browser tab or window.
  13. Then goto HTTP://
  14. Click register.
  15. Make sure your sponsor number is 6321.
  16. (Shouldn't need this) If not try clearing cookies, or private browser mode.
  17. Paste your Bitcoin address into the box and solve the captcha.
  18. Make a note of your referral code, or member number you will give it to others later.
  19. Copy your new deposit address.
  20. Go back to your block chain wallet. At this point if you have not made the money gram deposit you will need to do that.
  21. It may take up to 2hrs to be able to use the money in your new wallet account. Once it has Bitcoin in it tell it to send bit coins. And paste the deposit address from your new account. Choose an amount to send.
  22. You might want to use your bitcoins at other places now.
  23. As the bit coins come in you can spend them directly or exchange for any major currency (USD, Eur...) Or hold on as the value goes up.
  24. At this point you can wait for random payments. The less you put in the longer this will take. Or refer others. The less you put in the less you can receive from those after you. You could copy these instructions change out the referral link, and give it to other people and post it in other places.

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