What is BitBin?
BitBin is a site you can use to store 'pastes', short text snippets, which can be (nearly)
anything from code to chat logs.
What am I not allowed to post?
You are not allowed to submit pastes that contain
Copyrighted content that you don't own
Personal information such as password lists
Adult content
If you post any unallowed content, your pastes will be removed and you will be banned from
posting pastes.
What is the encryption feature?
You can encrypt your paste with a password to prevent people from reading the paste, unless
they provide the correct password. The encryption and decryption is handled client-side, so
we have no information about the content of encrypted pastes.
How does the paste hit counter work?
The paste hit count only counts unique visits, which means that a single visitor will be
only counted once per paste every 24 hours.
Are there any limit to amount of pastes I can upload?
Yes, you are only allowed to upload 20 pastes every 24 hours. There are no limitations to
the total number of pastes one user is able to upload.
What libraries do you use?
BitBin uses SyntaxHighlighter for syntax highlighting and Stanford Javascript Crypto
Library for paste encryption and decryption.
What is the Earn Bitcoins feature?
You can enter your Bitcoin address in the Earn Bitcoins tab when posting your paste to
enter our revenue sharing program. BitBin's ad revenue is shared with pastes, that have
been provided with Bitcoin addresses.
When will I be paid?
You will be paid when your pending balance is at least 0.0025 BTC. Payments are handled
automatically approximately every 24 hours.
Do you prevent fraudulent hits?
Yes, the site tracks paste visits and removes fraudulent hits, which won't be used when
calcucating revenue share for pastes. Note that the site hides the fraudulent hit count.
How is the amount of bitcoins I earn calculated?
The site shares the ad revenue proportionally based on the amount of hits your pastes get
in proportion to all monetized pastes as whole.
Every 24 hours, the site checks the ad revenue balance that has been received since the
last payout. The site then takes a portion of the ad revenue and calculates the amount
of bitcoins paid per unpaid hit by dividing the amount of bitcoins with the amount of
unpaid hits on the site at the time.
( Value of unpaid hit = bitcoins to be paid to users / amount of unpaid hits )
Your unpaid hits are then converted into paid hits and deposited into your balance.
( Paid amount of bitcoins = amount of unpaid hits * value of unpaid hit )
Bitcoins will be sent to your Bitcoin address once you have earned at least
0.0025 BTC (2.5 mBTC).
What advertising services do you use?
BitBin uses Anonymous Ads, BitAds, CoinURL and Bidvertiser for advertisements.
How can I advertise on this site?
You can advertise on BitBin through Anonymous Ads by selecting BitBin as your traffic
source and BitAds by bidding on our advertisement spot.
How can I support this site?
You can also donate to BitBin using Bitcoin address 193MHato6vuRXFBm45FnSnFTXeyxpByaSC.
Bitcoins donated to the donation address will be shared with users as ad revenue.
Anything else?
If you have any other questions, ideas or suggestions, I can be reached through my E-mail
or my account.