

DATE: Dec. 15, 2013, 12:26 a.m.

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  1. CHRISTMAS GIFT PRIZE PRIZE $24,000 ....HOHOHO... And a Full FREE iPAD Register Bónus.
  2. The current trading competition is Highest number of successful 60 second trades.
  3. You must make successful trades in order to stand a chance of winning. The winner is the trader who executes the most number of successful trades during the course of this competition.
  4. What are the prizes for this competition?
  5. Winner - $24,000.00 CASH
  6. 2nd place - $10,000.00 CASH
  7. 3rd place - $5,000.00 CASH
  8. 4th place - $2,500.00 CASH
  9. 5th place - $1,000.00 CASH
  10. Chistmas Gift FREE iPAD Register Bónus
  11. How do I sign up for the competition?
  12. Registration is free and automatic for all customers who have a valid existing or new 24options account and has deposited for a new one Wins a FREE iPAD Register Bónus.
  13. Free Sign Up Today and Be Eligble to Christmas WIN Of OVER $24,000 And a FREE iPAD Register Bónus
  14. CHRISTMAS GIFT PRIZE PRIZE $24,000 --) http://option.go2jump.org/SH4y6F
  15. FREE iPAD Register Bónus ------------) http://option.go2jump.org/SH4vqj
  16. (Coupon code number: X'mas2013)
  17. * We are currently accept BITCOINS for trade.

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