haret on wp7


DATE: Dec. 3, 2013, 10:41 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.5 kB

HITS: 943

  1. FUll TEXT
  2. http://windowsphonehack.blogspot.com/2013/02/haret-on-wp7.html
  3. Hi
  4. * Please help keeping the noise level low: Don't ask for ETA (stuff will be anounced), use Thanks buttons to say thx, etc.
  5. * This will work on "fully unlocked" WP7 devices only and is not limited to specific phonesthx, dcordes
  6. HaRET (Handhelds Reverse Engineering Tool) has been used on smartphones and PDAs with previous WinCE (Windows Mobile) versions to
  7. * boot the Linux kernel (=> use Linux based OS like Android)
  8. * obtain information about hardware and software (=> reverse engineering) in order to accordingly modify the Linux kernel (drivers).
  9. Famous HTC devices that are capable of running HaRET are the QSD8250 based HTC HD2 and a wide range of MSM7xxA based phones like the diamond, raphael and touch pro 2.
  10. WP7 is and will be shipped on many devices with quality hardware. In order to be able to run Linux on these, a novel aim is to investigate the use of HaRET on WP7 based devices. WP7 is known to posess several mechanisms to prevent this.
  11. A discussion about the problem has beend started on the official HaRET development mailing list by Jaxbot:
  12. http://lists.linuxtogo.org/pipermail...ry/000150.html
  13. You need to send a subscription mail in order to write to the list. The original creators of HaRET as well as many good developers with low level skills (from XDA: Cotulla, NetRipper, cr2) are subscribed to it but maybe not many of them have access to a WP7 device.
  14. more on my bloog :)

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