SUBMITTED BY: chaotic1513

DATE: March 7, 2017, 4:04 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.8 kB

HITS: 2644

  1. First off, start with getting on a server on your VPN, create a PayPal account (Dummy Acc), False information can be put, use ​ this​ , remember the server you used to create this, write it down (the location), you need it verified, you can create an on HotMail, use the same VPN server. Now sign out everything, The PayPal, the email. Now repeat the process with a complete different server, save the information you wrote like you did with the first one, make sure those two dummy PayPals are email confirmed.
  2. You’ll start off with logging in to your main (Verified) PayPal, sending your active balance to the first dummy PayPal. Sign out your verified, clear your history/cookies. Connect to the server you used to create the first dummy PayPal, you’ll see you received the money you have sent, now send that balance to the other PayPal you created, the second dummy PayPal, sign out now. Now clear your history/cookies, get off the VPN, open a new tab (close your other one) now head to and get on your main, chargeback the payment to the second dummy account, put an example like (didn’t mean to send this to this user) (i mistyped the email) something along like that. After your dispute has been created, sign out for an hour, make sure that tab is closed, go browse the internet for awhile. Okay, now connect to the VPN, same server you created the first dummy with, you’ll see the dispute, put something like “Refund this user”, now sign out, get off the VPN. Once the dispute has been won, you’ll have X.XX or XX.XX back on your main, while the first dummy is in the negatives. Now you’ll sign out your main. Clear your history/cookies, Get on the server you created the other dummy with, now send the balance on that PayPal to your main. Your balance on your main will be doubled now.

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