

DATE: Nov. 21, 2013, 7:45 a.m.

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HITS: 682

  1. Vince in the Bay was a longtime fan and serious caller on Ghost's True Capitalist Radio and True Conservative Radio broadcasts. Vince in the Bay hosts a Blog Talk Radio show called "Disorderly Conduct" from California. However, during 2011, Vince's show became more and more infrequent. According to Ghost he has stopped his show because he couldn't afford to keep it going. However, he recently restarted it, and now broadcasts nearly every day. He tweeted Ghost with sarcasm and annoyance in response to the GNAA hacks, which exposed his real name and address.
  2. Vince's show was the "origin" of FLAWC, who became notorious in the True Capitalist Radio community after apparently hacking Ghost's alternate Twitter account following Ghost's main account being banned. However it is now assumed that FLAWC was Ghost just trying to string people along for bait.
  3. Vince has a long standing feud with Goofy Bone, who hates him with a passion, and often dedicates entire segments of his own show to diss him. Goofy claims he is the 'president' of BTR, and that Vince is constantly trying to usurp him from that position, while Vince simply remains on his own show and takes everything Goofy says with a grain of salt. Many of Ghost's own fans side with Vince in the feud.

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